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Gypsy horse meet....

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Does anyone know if theres been a gypsy horse meet (if thats the right phrase to use :blink: ) in Barnsley

(wombwell area) today, been down at stables and while out walking one of horses, was speaking to a bloke asking about the horse and if we had bought him from 'the meet' today and what not, i asked him what meet and he just said gypsy's. Got back to stables and our lass was talking to someone about a section C going for about 5K

On way home saw a load of blokes with mostly coloured's in boxes outside chippy.


Just curious. :whistling:




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dont thing it was a fair . but it could of been a meet some of the lads from the same area will have a meet up to show off there stock and trade them and buy them ;)


there was one here in scotland february my grandad paid a few punds for a piebald stallion he is proper kushtie thow

Edited by DIGZY
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  DIGZY said:
dont thing it was a fair . but it could of been a meet some of the lads from the same area will have a meet up to show off there stock and trade them and buy them ;)


there was one here in scotland february my grandad paid 14k for a piebald stallion he is proper kushtie thow



What do they use the horses for. Im my experiance they never look much use for owt apart from a kidie starter pony. there not Huners or Jumpers or racers? What exacaly do the gypsies do with there ponys? Is it just for say pulling there caravans? And also on a side not I never realy seem to hear of much horse theft. Surly the horses are prized above there dogs so why arnt more horses stolen. (Not meant to insult anyone just something i thought typing out the first bit :p)

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  Buch said:
  DIGZY said:
dont thing it was a fair . but it could of been a meet some of the lads from the same area will have a meet up to show off there stock and trade them and buy them ;)


there was one here in scotland february my grandad paid 14k for a piebald stallion he is proper kushtie thow



What do they use the horses for. Im my experiance they never look much use for owt apart from a kidie starter pony. there not Huners or Jumpers or racers? What exacaly do the gypsies do with there ponys? Is it just for say pulling there caravans? And also on a side not I never realy seem to hear of much horse theft. Surly the horses are prized above there dogs so why arnt more horses stolen. (Not meant to insult anyone just something i thought typing out the first bit :p)

good question their probably sentimental over their horse's like we are over our dogs so they no how it would feel if one got stolen
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Apart from those who use them to pull thier carts/wagons or whatever, I wonder why they have them as well? Must be some sort of ties to the past. There were some gypsies parked up near me last year who mostly had cars and trucks, but did have a pony on the site. For some reason they took it onto a back street and shot it - then left it there. The locals were horrified, myself included.


I was visitng a mate in Wigan just before Christmas and a couple of the lads from the local site were driving the ponies up the road and past the McDonald's car park :blink: I wondered wtf they were doing, not a one of the ponies had a halter or anything on. I suppose they must know what they're doing, tho one of the lads hauled off and kicked a pony what wasn't moving fast enough for him - which made me want to kick him. They looked fit and well cared for tho.


Some of the ponies are really gorgeous too. I wish I could have one.


Oh ... and just for the record, I've nothing negative to say about gypsies or their horses. I never knew they even existed till I moved to the UK. To be honest the first time I saw some going by in their wagons and stuff I was flabbergasted that there was such a thing as a real gypsy, and that they didn't just exist in the stories I read as a kid :laugh: I used to dress up as a gypsy at halloween when I was little. When I tried to explain to my Mum back home that there are in fact real Gypsies here and the horses etc., she thought I was making it up!

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if anyone wants to see a really interesting documentary on Gypsy Music and history (no dogs or horse talk though, drat!) there was something called "Gypsy Caravan" that I rented from the library. It had 5 musical groups from different countries touring the US and Canada for 6 weeks, I can't remember them all but a few were Majarajah from India (or Pakistan?), Esme from Macedonia (called the Queen of the Gypsies), Band of Gypsys I think from Italy, a few flamenco dancers from Spain, a male dancer who dressed like a woman and did a really difficult "knee dance"... regardless of how you feel about the Romas it was a VERY interesting and a really enjoyable DVD. The music was awsome, my favorite was the story about Esma, she married a "gadjo" (white dude) as a teenager who was also a musician, and they couldn't have children, so they adopted orphans or unwanted kids from their area, I think she said they adopted 45 or so over the years? The stories they told, like how the town that "band of Gypsys" were all from had the power run to their town paid for by the proceeds of their first DVD, and the village that Majarajah was from was the same, no money at all until they started touring, now they are super celebrities and a really important part of their area.


here is a commercial for it




here is the only hlafway decent clip on youtube I could find of Esma, they are all pretty rough



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