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how many dogs do you own?


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  lucky said:
i have 3 bull crosses here at the moment, but sometimes that is'nt enough and the chances of having the same 3 by the end of next season are very slim..... ;)



Do you keep dogs and bitches for your type of work Lucky, or do you favour one type?

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I have 3


1 x JRT







I also collect 3 labs, a border and a dalmation puppy as i walk down the lane everyday . . . never a dull moment on our walks!


They are do different stuff and keep me busy enough!

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we have four but two are getting on now


1,deer hound/greyhound(aged 9)


1,lakeland patterdale Russel :D (aged 14 our baby we had to bottle feed him many years ago)


1,pure lakeland,(aged nearly 2)


and our new pup


lakeland/wire terrier/Russel (15 weeks)


our older ones are passed working really but love getting out to run and try :D to catch rabbits.

deerhound is very spritely though still.


once the older to pass away :( i think we are just keeping the two from then on.

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I think 2 is more than enough, how many REALLY can work more than one dog PROPERLY. :o . A good dog should handle 2-3 nights lamping, maybe a couple days ferreting+mouching. ;) OK dogs get hurt, but a 2nd dog would cover that easy , till the other dog is fit.? Look at all the shit you have to get up, the feckin food bill :o for what,????? After all they are working dog's 1st, pet's 2nd. Ive had lurchers 25years, and i would rather keep 2, that work properly and do what there were bred for, than keep 3 etc..... and never see a feckin rabbit. [food for thought] ;);)

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  Molly said:
Only need 3 dogs, two running dogs, always need two incase one is injured or resting up. And 1 terrier for bushing.

I have 5 though, two of them are retired, and have earned their places on the settee ;)

nice one the only reason for keeping a lot of dogs alb
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Now then Jack mate, You cant really say how manys to many as one persons circumstances will be different from anothers. It really comes down to how much work you can get for the dogs.


I have two terriers and the one lurcher as you know getting a bull cross in couple of weeks so will have four by the end of the month. Would problys like more but restricted with space. Wouldnt mind a spaniel aswell for a bit of beating.


Regards Ben

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