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key board gladiator lamping comp 2010

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I cant have you having all the heats up your way.


So I have the Second venue for your/our/my lamping comp.


Now i have spoken to the land owner and he is happy for the compt to take place on his ground.



His only rule was that no bull cross's as he wants only soft mouthed dogs.



As you can clearly see I have more rabbits than you.



I would like to say no one knows about these fields but it looks as if this field was already lamped before i got there this morning.



We should have some reasonable slips of 14ft., unfortunately its on hard ground but at least its not flinty.



Once the comp is over we can move on to some other species.



Wild Boar have also been sighted on the same land as well.



I know they run a shoot off the land but we still maybe to get some feather too.



At the end of the night we can try and butch the dogs up too. But, looking at some of the stock i would like some for myself too.


Edited by Johnathon
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Woz, did you say my underwear doesnt match.......................


Im so fed up of you saying such nasty things about me. One night you sleep with me, the next you dont phone. I just dont know where I stand with you.


The next time we meet Im so going to pull your hair. Im going to pull your hair and stamp my feet. I know I can coz I was well ard in skool.


And did I say you are slightly ginger too.........................

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