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Poor old white folks

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Guest Catcher
  Swampy said:
  Catcher said:
  dwalin said:
Don't believe i said anything against being white and proud i am myself.



Hi it,s not about being black ,white yellow or any coulor ,cred or race.It those baster in goverment.they dont give a shit about the common working man.Most of them are only in it to line there own pocket,s It,s like the old saying.how can you tell when they are lieing there lip,s are moveing.This country has been going down the toilet for a long time.And anouther thing what ever happed to free speech. they have got us bye the ball,s What do we do f--k all.We just sit and take it.For one i am sick and ashamed to live in this so called country of the free.One day and it had better be soon we will wake up.And god help us if we dont.catcher. :angry:

I'm in agreement with you on this one.

It raises some interesting points that have been raised loads of times before.

What is "racism"?

Defined I would guess it is prejudice against someone who is of different race.

To be honest that makes me a Racist. I do pre judge people........all people. I do this because I have learnt that certain races tend to behave due to their cultural upbringing and beliefs in certain ways. Obviously there are always exceptions to the rule and I try and allow for that. It is natural behaviour to have reservations about things we do not understand. That does not make me a bad person. I always try and give the benefit of the doubt but that has been brought about through experience aswell.

The problem with the argument is that Has anyone tried to have a white only organisation recently? Probably not, as most would agree that it would be pointless other than making a devisive statement.

One more thaing that really does annoy me though! Why is it racist to call a someone from Newcastle a Geordie or a a Liverpuddlian a Scouser?

The "N" word is racist. WHY? Surely it comes from the balck Africans who came from the Niger Delta?

However it is fine for the blacks to call themselves the "N" word!

Lets keep some common sense and stop being so oversensitive about things that really don't do any harm.

Having worked in W.Africa for over two years it really didn't bother me in the slightest to be refered to as "Snowey" or "Blanc".





Ninging for the 1st time today



HI ma man At last we agree on sometihing.I thinks if every one is honest with themself we all have some sort of prejudice.I do. I hate antis.But the point in law is you can be prejudice.s and not act upon it.Or act upon it to the point were someone take,s afence and may report you to the law.As i said it,s P.C and goverment gone mad.It,s not the common man in the street.That,s makeing up thease crazy rule,s.It,s the media , goverment,P.C ,Antis and all the outher nut job,s who havent got a life of there own.So they come on here and give us a power.Yes you are right .It,s not racist to call someone from newcastle a Geordie He is and most litely proud of it.I would be.Most people arent racist .but is you call me a scot i will call the law lol.atb .catcher. :thumbs:

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  Swampy said:
The "N" word is racist. WHY? Surely it comes from the balck africans who came from the Niger Delta?


However it is fine for the blacks to call themselves the "N" word!


I was always led to believe it came from the deep South of the US, where the Southern drawl led form Negro to Nigre to the word that no one can say except on Blazing saddles and when used by the people described above.


Still want to know why the woman who went off on one 'expected' to get some sort of reply from this forum though ?.

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i got this in an email a week or two ago,


theres nothing wrong with it at all,


if we had a white radio channel that only played music by white people, all hell would break loose garanteed lol,


its okay for them to call us " white boys, snowman, white chocolate whatever :laugh: but when we say something back to them we get called racist, yet they all call theirselves and there " HOMEBOYS " what up nigger etc... if we said that to one of em you would end up getting shot or stabbed!



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Surely most of the names used are just collective terms?? People from Britain are Brits, right? People from Australia are Aussies, people from Spain are spaniards....... no offence so far but then what term is to be used for people from Pakistan and so on? It's seems that the minorities all jumped on the bandwagon and we (government) pandered to it and now it's out of proportion.


I see people as people regardless of where they are from but you have to admit that when you watch crimewatch then brits seem to be the minority. That's not to say all minorities are criminals it's just that in the fight to be recognised as equal things have gone too far the other way!

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but is you call me a scot i will call the law lol.atb .catcher.



Hell yes!

I would imagine that if you called anyone a Scot they'd be pissed off!.....The ultimate insult!













Ninging in tartan

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Guest Catcher
  Swampy said:
but is you call me a scot i will call the law lol.atb .catcher.



Hell yes!

I would imagine that if you called anyone a Scot they'd be pissed off!.....The ultimate insult!













Ninging in tartan



Good reply one nil to you mate. :D catcher

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Too many people live with their heads stuck in the sand. As soon as one person sticks thier head out of the sand and voices their opinion then all hell breaks loose!


England is too PC, and yes i hate all racists, i think they are scum of the earth and should be punished where needed!


Everyone spends more time of thinking what they cant say as to what they want to say.


I can assure you that if we were to look deep into our family trees, there would be a few :o


The G20 sums it all up for me......... All who stepped out of line deserved what they got from the police!


All that PC stuff went out the window in the city!!!


Yes be proud of who you are.


Who's voting Labour this year?







Edited by artic
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Guest Catcher
  artic said:
Too many people live with their heads stuck in the sand. As soon as one person sticks thier head out of the sand and voices their opinion then all hell breaks loose!


England is too PC, and yes i hate all racists, i think they are scum of the earth and should be punished where needed!


Everyone spends more time of thinking what they cant say as to what they want to say.


I can assure you that if we were to look deep into our family trees, there would be a few :o


The G20 sums it all up for me......... All who stepped out of line deserved what they got from the police!


Yes be proud of who you are.


Who's voting Labour this year?









:clapper::clapper::clapper::clapper::clapper: I think Britain is all to P.C.catcher

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  Catcher said:
  Swampy said:
but is you call me a scot i will call the law lol.atb .catcher.



Hell yes!

I would imagine that if you called anyone a Scot they'd be pissed off!.....The ultimate insult!













Ninging in tartan



Good reply one nil to you mate. :D catcher



Thank you Sir.


Round 2?





Smug Ning

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  Swampy said:
  Catcher said:
  Swampy said:
but is you call me a scot i will call the law lol.atb .catcher.



Hell yes!

I would imagine that if you called anyone a Scot they'd be pissed off!.....The ultimate insult!













Ninging in tartan



Good reply one nil to you mate. :D catcher



Thank you Sir.


Round 2?





Smug Ning


Don't be too smug, my good English fellow, I'd rather be called a Scot than an Englishman... :boxing::laugh:

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