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Nice one everyone.


Took him to a new vets today to get the Drontal instead of getting it throught the post from the internet, I wouldn't take a drug ordered from a website myself so I won't give me dogs them either.... tried everywhere to get it over the counter so ended up going to a vets and registering, they were sound weren't too keen on me last vets because they weren't too keen on terriers if ya know what I mean.


Anyway weighed him and he was 12.80 kilos, when he was in top shape he was around 14k and was tight and solid and he is a leggy and typey dog but strong too.


Some good advice from here much appreciated, gonna keep him on the raw without introducing the bones this week and worm him at the end of the week when I know he is ok with and used to the raw.


Know sounds daft but new to the raw but what bones are best or any, and just get them from the butchers and that??


Thanks all

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Non weight bearing bones, so no legs. Personally I keep to breast of lamb (ribs), chicken carcases and wings (though I will give chicken leg bones to adult dogs that I know will crunch them up as opposed to swallowing them whole: some dogs try and dog that if they are very greedy: not a good idea.) Lamb back bone is OK as long as the dog is the peaceful sort who will sit and grind it down slowly rather than swallowing lumps. I mince whole rabbits: once the bones are minced the dog's stomach juices will do the rest.

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thanks skycat,


I think the bigger the bones the better really because even when I have been seperating the dogs, the dog is still munching his food at 100 mile an hour.


I think a mincer in the future is the way forward, when I have more space.


Nice one skycat

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  • 2 weeks later...

Rabbits don't need mincing. They can be fed whole.


Watch out with the mince. I'm guessing it's AMP mince from a pet shop? The chicken ones at least are very very high in bone. I wouldn't add boney items to them. My big problem with most minces for dogs is that you have no idea what's in them. Not the amount of bone or anything like that. I feed roughly whole prey model, and I prefer feeding body parts and whole prey so I know what's in my dog's food.


Weight bearing bones are only a problem when they're from really big animals such as beef long bones. Chicken leg bones and rabbit leg bones are soft and easy to crunch through. Slowing down fast eaters is done by feeding food bigger than dog's head, or by making it harder. Minces are fed frozen to make them take longer to eat.


Oh and to answer original question - dogs should get roughly 2-4% of their adult weight. Feed that amount for a couple of weeks and adjust from there up or down depending on how dog's looking. So for example my dog weighs about 30kg and gets roughly about 750gm a day to keep him looking good. When he's getting more exercise he gets more.

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