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Can anyone advise as to how much feed you give your dogs on the BARF foods, I have just stocked up my freezer and starting dog on it tomorrow.


It says on the back, medium size dog 400g but doesnt say per feed or per day, once or twice a day etc.. What I really want to know is, do you lads mix it with biscuit or anything, do you feed once or twice a day and is one 400g pack enough for a days feed for a dog (patterdale) or do you lads feed more.


The reason I ask is the 400g pack looks compact and dont know whether it will be enough for him.


Starting on this because my dog has lost a bit of weight, worming him and starting him on this after reading on here, to try build him up again, dont know why he's losing the weight, he is sound in himself full of energy too, cant see no sign of worms in his sh**,


few things happened and may just be the following, moved house, more long walks, and I have a pup I have had since new, he's 7 months now, but my dog is eating his food at 100 mile an hour and thinks the pups gonna have his scran, even if I grab the pup or cage him while I feed him. I have also changed feeding routine from twice a day to once but he's been getting loads more because he looked bit thin, he doesnt seem to be putting it on though and its been about three to four weeks now.



Any good advice would be appreciated lads, attached is the dog at his usual selfpost-28770-1238811964_thumb.jpg



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I would NEVER feed a dog the amount it says on a pack UNLESS that happens to be the right amount for the dog: in other words, what will make one dog fat may starve another dog of the same size. Just like humans, some dogs need more food than others.


You don't say what is in these packs you bought. IMo it is not a good idea to feed exactly the same type of food, whether it be chicken, beef or anything else all the time: what I mean is that you need to vary the type of meat you give your dog: chicken lacks certain things, and if you feed only muscle meat: ie red beef muscle meat, then your dog will also be lacking in fats and certain vitamins and minerals.



If your dog has been wormed with a proper wormer (not an over the counter job: not man enough to do the job properly), and is not suffering from some undiagnosed illness, then you need to up the dog's food until it puts on the weight.


Make sure the dog is left in peace to eat: preferably shut the pup away completely until the other has finished its food. Feed twice a day as this will help it put the weight on as 2 smaller meals are easier to digest than one big one.


Lastly, active dogs need a lot more animal fat in their diets than dogs that don't do a lot. Dogs need fat for energy so if your dog is doing a lot more then something like chicken backs will up the fat intake, as will breast of lamb.


Hope this helps.

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nice one lads any more advice with this will be appreciated.


(dog fox), will get e recent pic up later or tomorrow, he doesn't look too bad he looks like a really fit dog whilst in his stance but he is not packing as much solid muscle as usual and not as tight..


(skycat), thanks mate, will try totally seperating dog whilst eating, I have a few different packs of the raw, beef, chicken, beef mix, turkey, lamb, white fish, tripe, beef & tripe, and chicken & tripe. Gonna feed different ones every day so gets nutrients from different kinds like you mention too.


was looking for drontal wormer but may have to take him to vets for it. Have a shop one here called sherleys wormer someone said would do the job but by looking at what everyones saying on here about other wormers, I think should just wait til monday to give him the drontal from vets. I know sounds daft but where would i get the breast of lamb, do the butchers sell breast?? and if so just give him it raw?? I aint got a clue about raw feeding to be honest always been on dry food or periods of tin s***. thanks mate


Thanks lads

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hang up a leg of meat any type lamb beef venison he will get condition on him after that plus fit pulling out of it plenty of water with him bad meat is better than good nuts

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As mentioned above, all dogs need totally different amounts and types of food. From what you've said it sounds like you have brought the BARF frozen blocks?? IMO these meals are pumped full of water and generally all the shit that doesn't go into the food chain. That said now you have them i would use them up alongside a decent amount of raw bone. Most good butchers will sell/give you bone, chicken carcasses, turkey necks, lamb breast, beef rib, chicken wings, lamb necks, feed all these whole and raw.


As you have said the dog is gulping food to stop the pup from eating it, if feeding things like chicken wings for the 1st time keep the pup completely away so the dog can chew and digest the bone properly without rushing.


Natural yogurt in with a dogs food can also help the absorbtion process in the stomach to speed up, thus resulting in the dog getting more from the food before it is fully digested.


Again in terms of amounts i can't really say without seeing the dog, as a rough guide my JRT will eat 4 chicken wings for breakfast or 2 chicken carcasses, then maybe 1/3 lb of mince in the evening. Obviously if our dog is under weight then over feeding won't be an issue, you'll be suprised how quickly you'll get into the swing of feeding raw, it becomes so easy and you can tell by looking at your dog how much it needs day to day depending on it's work level.


Where are you based?? The guy i get all my raw food from delivers over quite a big area and stocks everything you will need to feed the dog a well balanced diet., also very good prices.

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nice one lads any more advice with this will be appreciated.


(dog fox), will get e recent pic up later or tomorrow, he doesn't look too bad he looks like a really fit dog whilst in his stance but he is not packing as much solid muscle as usual and not as tight..


(skycat), thanks mate, will try totally seperating dog whilst eating, I have a few different packs of the raw, beef, chicken, beef mix, turkey, lamb, white fish, tripe, beef & tripe, and chicken & tripe. Gonna feed different ones every day so gets nutrients from different kinds like you mention too.


was looking for drontal wormer but may have to take him to vets for it. Have a shop one here called sherleys wormer someone said would do the job but by looking at what everyones saying on here about other wormers, I think should just wait til monday to give him the drontal from vets. I know sounds daft but where would i get the breast of lamb, do the butchers sell breast?? and if so just give him it raw?? I aint got a clue about raw feeding to be honest always been on dry food or periods of tin s***. thanks mate


Thanks lads

try www.hyperdrug.com for drontal

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Thanks everyone,


Fed him today on the chicken and just added a tin of dog food and then evening fed him the lamb he wasn't too keen on the lamb until I threatened to let the pup out the room, Its hard work ha ha


Anyway thanks and your help is appreciated.


Hannah4181 -- I am in Liverpool, do they deliver anywhere up this way? Also, what do you do about storage though with all that raw in full carcase peices etc, concerned might not have the freezer space for it at the min. The blocks are prize choice, frozen ones like you said, they are pretty easy to store in the freezer, so if cannot get delivery prob try them for a while.. Thanks for advice, let me know if they deliver this way though...


WAB --- will do thanks mate.


thanks all

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Don't forget that feeding raw is as much about giving the dog raw meaty bones to chew: cleans the teeth, exercises the jaw and neck muscles and just as importantly gives the dog something to do in the kennel! Keeps them happy and content.

If you have a pup issue then putting your older dog in a kennel with a good big bone will not only keep the pup away from him and give him the space he needs but also make him feel more secure and relaxed: weight loss doesn't always have a physical cause and it could just as easily be stress or worry: just like in people.

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Thanks skycat,


will get some bones in,


I agree with you on the stress stuff too..



Green bones are a great source of protein ,but don't overdo them as they can constipate your dog ,hard white crap will soon show you ,my youngest dog cries if his stools are too hard and I cant say I blame him just use your commonsense.

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