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Customising the stock!

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has anyone ever chopped some of the stock off an air rifle, i keep looking at and wondering if it would work like this:




has anyone ever done this?


It would effect accuracy and what else?

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has anyone ever chopped some of the stock off an air rifle, i keep looking at and wondering if it would work like this:




has anyone ever done this?


It would effect accuracy and what else?





Accuracy ........ and er.... Value...?

Cos if you did that , I wouldn't give you tuppence for it........



Edited by tattoo sleeve
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would this not make it an illegal (over powered) pistol?
No, it would still be classed as an air rifle - due mainly to the length of the barrel.In other words, as long as the barrel length is over 12 inches it will be classified as an airrifle, and not as an air pistol.




because without a stock its considered to be a pistol and the limit for a pistol is 6 foot pouns and that air rifle is putting out 11
Not quite right there, methinks. ;) I believe that so long as the total overall length (without stock) is over 24 inches, you'll be fine - it will only be able to be classified as an air rifle, and not as an air pistol. :thumbs:



I always thought that the Barrel had to be under a certain length for It to be classed as a Pistol?


It does indeed mate.The barrel MUST be over 12 inches long, and the total overall length of the whole barrel/action combined (without the stock) must be over 24 inches - then it will still remain an air rifle. Therefore, if the barrel should end up as being under 12 inches, it will then become an air pistol in the eyes of the law, as well as the Firearms Act. :):thumbs:



I hope this helps some, peoples? :)






PS: I do not like to give out wrong information, and with that in mind, I am more than willing and happy to stand corrected on any part of what I have just said above. Also, if I have done so, i will ammend or delete this post as necessary. :)

Edited by Grim Reaper
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cannot see the reason for a mod like that as you would not be ablr to steady the gun aswell. Yes indeed, this is quite true mate. :)



and when a gun is made it is registered as a rifle or pistol and it stays that way no matter what you do to it



atb rob


With regard to the highlighted text, yes, you would think that would be the case, and for the most part is true enough - that is of course, assuming no alterations are made to the length of the barrel itself (ie, to make it less than 12 inches long) , and thereby altering the overall length of barrel/action comination so as to make it less than 24 inches in total. :thumbs:





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