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Finally got my new camera today, so whilst i'm mastering it . . . . . the dogs are great subjects, here's a few from today.



























And finally this 1 was taken last up the side of my cottage, i was really just testing the settings. . . . . but there's something about this photo that i love.



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Hannah that last pic is superb ,for me is the bit of lighter area on the back & tail that does it



I know what you mean Kay, also foe me it's knowing the dog . . . . . . there was someone walking a couple of labs up the lane past the cottage . . . . . . Todd was ready for a scrap!! :boxing:


I love the way it's caught his muscle definition, it has a eerie feel about it.

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Guest buster321c
Thats what i said , but could`nt get her to pose nude for me :o













Joking ...... :D




You'd be suprised where and what it can get you!! ;)




Well it dont matter now , ive give up takin horror snaps :o

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Cracking shots Hannah :) I love the last one, and the one of the dog leaping is so funny :clapper:


Bet you and the D700 are inseparable by now! - it's a superb camera, almost good enough to tempt me to dump my canon... ;)



My freakish jumping dog, she makes me laugh daily . . . . . i swear she is as near to human as a dog can get!


I'll be sleeping with it on my pillow!


You joke about the canon thing, but i read the other day that the D700 has done just that, and converted lots of canon users! ;)

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