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Guest traceyg

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Good job the Germans didn't think like that in the 80's, and the Irish in the 90's, when our lads went abroad to work. :yes:



The difference is they come here to LIVE....not just work...and when they stamp their feet us soppy bollocks english whimper to their every need......can you imagine what the germans would have done with english lads in the 80,s taking their families,extended families neighbors pets and barbecues with them and settling in cologne,berlin and such like...........if your going to compare then at least make a fair comparison.

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I have never read so much unsubstantiated crap in all my life. :angry:

I work with Polish people that I now call freinds, lovely warm hearted people, that come to my house as freinds, and share the good times...







So because a handful of them you know are sweet as a nut.....everyone elses opinions and experiences of them is unsubstantiated crap :doh: .....

Oh well i guess i was wrong,the 4 shithouse characters who pummelled a defenceless man half to death outside an east london nightclub last week were actually ok....actually only 3 as 1 was albanian but whos counting im sure they are lovely warm hearted people most of the time.

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I have never read so much unsubstantiated crap in all my life. :angry:

I work with Polish people that I now call freinds, lovely warm hearted people, that come to my house as freinds, and share the good times...







So because a handful of them you know are sweet as a nut.....everyone elses opinions and experiences of them is unsubstantiated crap :doh: .....

Oh well i guess i was wrong,the 4 shithouse characters who pummelled a defenceless man half to death outside an east london nightclub last week were actually ok....actually only 3 as 1 was albanian but whos counting im sure they are lovely warm hearted people most of the time.


Yes they are...bad apples in every country , not just Poland. I must remember to tell my freinds not send the kids xmas presents next year...

Just in case like...


Its not the nationality..its the individuals..look at what your saying.....

More good than bad.. look at our own..

So because we have the odd bad apple does it make our own nationality rapists, paedo's murderers?????


I think not



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I was over there (Germany) for two years, in the late eighties, the difference is i didnt expect them to provide me with a house and i didnt claim child benefit for my kids back in england.



Tracy g, what you were doing when you started the thread, if you realy think about it, was inviting every one to join you in moaning about and slagging the british. Now us brits are well known for being able to take the piss out of ourselves, but whats been happening in recent years is something more sinister, a conserted and sustained attempt to erase a countries cultural history. You are one of the ones who is falling for it, dont worry you are not alone, the subtle and insidious way its being done ensures that there are many, many more like you. some of us however will not give it up lightly. We want our country back !

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I was over there (Germany) for two years, in the late eighties, the difference is i didnt expect them to provide me with a house and i didnt claim child benefit for my kids back in england.



Tracy g, what you were doing when you started the thread, if you realy think about it, was inviting every one to join you in moaning about and slagging the british. Now us brits are well known for being able to take the piss out of ourselves, but whats been happening in recent years is something more sinister, a conserted and sustained attempt to erase a countries cultural history. You are one of the ones who is falling for it, dont worry you are not alone, the subtle and insidious way its being done ensures that there are many, many more like you. some of us however will not give it up lightly. We want our country back !


Yer well the difference being I'm willing to bet the German gov't doesn't set things up for the system to be exploited they way it is here - and plenty of UK natives take the piss, not just foreigners. People should be judged as individuals. I bet you'd go abroad and rant if you were treated poorly - because you're English, everybody in the world should respect you weather you're a wanker or not?


Honestly, what a bunch of assbackswards hicks some of you are :censored:


You bitch about anybody who is different - never mind that they might be honest and hard working. Do you bitch about the mates you have or people you meet who are English and take the piss out of this country at any given opportunity?


As a foreigner living in the UK I can assure you I've met more English pricks than I can count. You go abroad on holiday or for sporting matches and make you're entire country look like twats by behaving like the world is your oyster, getting pissed and acting the goat, starting fights and generally looking like the you've got one brain cell to share. What a bunch of moany faced, uneducated, rednecks.


I get so SICK of hearing this basic crap. You really do show yourselves to be just what you are: small minded, brainwashed and unwilling to stretch your mental capacity enough to see people for who they are and not what their religion/skin colour/language is.


Fookin' nobs the lot.

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Ive just read through 7 pages, of typical "send them home" posts, no one has thought to mention the fact that poles, unlike uk citizens, cant claim benefits, they have to work, or go homeless or hungary, the british employer knows this, and can therefore offer shit wages, which an english guy would laugh at, yet a pole, grab with both hands, I know lots of english people, a lot are lazy benefit types, that blame everything, on everyone else barring themselfs, and take great delight on telling you how much money they are claiming off the state, all my foriegn friends are workers,


our firm took on a polish guy, expecting him to work alongside me, doing exactally the same job/hours etc, yet paying him six grand less, he's been with the firm 2yrs now, and still earns 6 grand less, an english guy would have jacked the job in by now, knowing the wage difference, but he hasent, we will always get those saying, they are taking our jobs, but if the "we" wont do that work , why shouldent "they"

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Ive just read through 7 pages, of typical "send them home" posts, no one has thought to mention the fact that poles, unlike uk citizens, cant claim benefits, they have to work, or go homeless or hungary, the british employer knows this, and can therefore offer shit wages, which an english guy would laugh at, yet a pole, grab with both hands, I know lots of english people, a lot are lazy benefit types, that blame everything, on everyone else barring themselfs, and take great delight on telling you how much money they are claiming off the state, all my foriegn friends are workers,


our firm took on a polish guy, expecting him to work alongside me, doing exactally the same job/hours etc, yet paying him six grand less, he's been with the firm 2yrs now, and still earns 6 grand less, an english guy would have jacked the job in by now, knowing the wage difference, but he hasent, we will always get those saying, they are taking our jobs, but if the "we" wont do that work wont, why shouldent "they"



:clapper::clapper::D as i said before there are good and bad in every nationality


i think this thread has just turned in to another slanging match if we all had the same opinions this world would be a very dull place so guys state your opinion and leave it at that just because you feel a certain way doesn't make you right. so why don't you all agree to disagree.

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Thanks Roe.


The attitude in some of the replies on this thread just goes to show that apparently the English education system is failing somewhere and clearly there are a high number of people not learning anything about world politics.


Oh sure let's send all the foreigners home. And suddenly we'd find ourselves with a shortage of doctors, nurses, teachers, labourers ... given that so many ENGLISH people are happy to sit on their asses and collect the dole 'cause they never bothered about getting an education or are too 'proud' to work hard for a low wage - or because they're overweight after consuming 1000 pies in the last year, or are too busy being drunk and hanging about in the bookie all day long, or fell and hurt their leg six years ago (while they were drunk) .... I could go on and on and on.


Like I said, I'm a foreigner. Try to send me home, you shitheads. My kids were born in this country, that makes them English.



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Thanks Roe.


The attitude in some of the replies on this thread just goes to show that apparently the English education system is failing somewhere and clearly there are a high number of people not learning anything about world politics.


Oh sure let's send all the foreigners home. And suddenly we'd find ourselves with a shortage of doctors, nurses, teachers, labourers ... given that so many ENGLISH people are happy to sit on their asses and collect the dole 'cause they never bothered about getting an education or are too 'proud' to work hard for a low wage - or because they're overweight after consuming 1000 pies in the last year, or are too busy being drunk and hanging about in the bookie all day long, or fell and hurt their leg six years ago (while they were drunk) .... I could go on and on and on.


Like I said, I'm a foreigner. Try to send me home, you shitheads. My kids were born in this country, that makes them English.





Unfortunately, I am ashamed to say, you speak sense yet again LG....

But please remember there are a couple of good ones in the mix ;)




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There are loads of great people here Matty - I wouldn't be here otherwise.


But it's the attiudes of some that are appalling, and it's they who I rant at :D


ETA: my kids will be brought up proud to be English, and knowing that they are expected to respect people based on their merits, and nothing else ;)

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or because they're overweight after consuming 1000 pies in the last year, or are too busy being drunk and hanging about in the bookie all day long, or fell and hurt their leg six years ago (while they were drunk) .... I could go on and on and on.


Like I said, I'm a foreigner. Try to send me home, you shitheads. My kids were born in this country, that makes them English.





Now what always strikes me as strange about a comment like this is if english people are such overweight useless drunken shitbags then why would a foreigner CHOOSE to come here and raise their kids here alongside these overweight useless drunken shitbags........this is what gets most peoples backs up,foreigners come here and take whatever they like from england and hate us for it !!

Its take take take....the majority of foreigners come here to exploit our country not embrace it......and this type of pathetic namecalling proves it,foreigners basically dont like us but still want here what they cant get in their own country......then they give off like their proud of poland,pakistan or wherever it may be.....bollocks,if you was proud as a nation you would come together as a nation and sort yourselves out instead of taking the easy route and flying off on the ponce to england !

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