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This maybe a really dumb question for some (but not me obviously) :blink:


I am looking at the possibility of a beddy / whippet or beddy / greyhound. This will be first and foremost a house pet. There will be plenty of opportunity for the odd "sport" with my beating / shooting and fishing so exercise is not an issue. My brother has a spaniel and the dog hair is effing everywhere. My missus will not put up with the mess. So here's the question :


If there is a "splash" of Bedlington in the mix is the dog going to moult ? I have been told Westies and Beddlingtons are moult free ? Also....while I have your attention... are they good house pets ?


thanks in advance ( before you say it .... I have already offered to buy her a Dyson )


Mr Under The Thumb !

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Pure Bedlingtons don't moult, bedlington X grey/whippet won't moult in the typical sense but it might strip out by hand.


Westie's are not worth the hassle they will cast and they suffer from all manner of health problems, horrible smelly little dogs.


BedlingtonXs will typically be far more laid around the home than a pure bedlington.





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Pure Bedlingtons don't moult, bedlington X grey/whippet won't moult in the typical sense but it might strip out by hand.


Westie's are not worth the hassle they will cast and they suffer from all manner of health problems, horrible smelly little dogs.


BedlingtonXs will typically be far more laid around the home than a pure bedlington.






Agree with the above... would never recommend a Westie to anyone, 99% vile creatures and moult like hell if they've got the crap coat most of them have...

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