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Goode job mate, youll not have a problem sellin that .

I built it for me. Should look good on my Patio When it's finished! (The patio)

sorry mate read your original post wrong " seen selling on ebay" id read it been sellin. looks the buissness .

No problem mate, i'll tell you what it gets bloody HOT!! I've had to take the Kettle off which is a shame

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now thats impressive,bet it chucks out some heat after its been lit.

I've taken some photos of it lit but i'm abit thick when it comes to uploading them! Looks really nice. Would heat up a large room easy.

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Are you going to put something round it so people don't get to close or touch it,i am speaking from experence,i went to a garge to deliver some bits and while waiting for the owner to pay i leaned on what i thought was a metel box,unbeknown to me it had a fire inside,JESUS my hand was stuck to it :icon_eek: the pain was unbearable,pulling my hand up and leaving some skin behind,WORST PAIN KNOW TO MAN :yes: :laugh:still have a few little scars to this day :laugh:

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Are you going to put something round it so people don't get to close or touch it,i am speaking from experence,i went to a garge to deliver some bits and while waiting for the owner to pay i leaned on what i thought was a metel box,unbeknown to me it had a fire inside,JESUS my hand was stuck to it :icon_eek: the pain was unbearable,pulling my hand up and leaving some skin behind,WORST PAIN KNOW TO MAN :yes: :laugh:still have a few little scars to this day :laugh:

Same sort of pain if you Weld without gloves! OUCH! Not going to put anything round it, if the dogs are bright enough not to got near it?! (Even the Saluki x's) LOL. It does get really Hot!! I have it placed approx 2mtr away from the french doors and it's heating my room!!! I'd say if I put a frying pan on it now it would heat it up quicker than a cooker!

Edited by MRD
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hi will you be selling any of these

I've allready had 7 people of this site pm me wanting one!! I'm not surprised, there brill!!

make one from the big tall cylinders heat workshops then :icon_redface::icon_redface:

f**k me you'd get a few Kettles on one of those!!!

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hi i made a upright wood burner end of last year,i ended up with a lot of people watching me i live in a small town,anyway time to try couple of hours later in my car port,people couldnt believe the heat it was putting out a bit of flexy for chimney old offcuts of softwood,i use it in garden for a patio heater burn anything and everything,flo-gas i have 3 more so phase 2 next

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