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Who Lives in a House Like This?

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This is aimed mainly at the less experienced guys and gals who maybe new to the ferreting scene and so i apologise in advance to the more experienced among you for pointing out what to you and me may be the "Bleeding Obvious" :)


I have been doing some last minute rabbit control to the ancient trees on the golf course and was about to start ferreting under an old Sweet Chestnut tree. Last time it was ferreted we bolted quite a few bunnies from beneath the tangle of tree roots..........but this time, something wasn't quite right. On closer inspection, i found that the holes had rather a too smooth shape to them, and with the typical half-moon shape to the roof of the holes, i concluded that old Brock had taken up residence. Although rabbits were living here as well (plenty of rabbit droppings to the hole entrances).........it was obviously now a very active badger sett.

So what from first glance looked a very well used rabbit bury.........it turned into a deffinate No No........where ferreting for rabbit control was concerned.

Check the pictures out, and you can see how they look like well used rabbit holes at first glance.......but look carefully at the roof of one of the holes in the pictures and you will see quite obvious badger claw marks.






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Cheers mate am just looking to start ferreting so i'll log this in my memory bank ;) is it a bit bigger than a rabbit hole?

Sure is at times.........but rabbits make big holes as well.........so you need to look at the whole picture for other signs like bedding scraped out from the holes etc. ;)

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i was out ferreting last week saw what i thorght was sum big rabbit holes and ther was rabbit poo evrywhere i ad a good look rouned and founed a trail of fox foot prints leeding to one of the holes

i put one of my hobs in what i thought was a rabbit earth last week and he bolted a fox .fox left a little cub behind must of been only a few days old im just glad it didnt take the ferrets head of to protect the thing .

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Guest GoneToGround1
i was out ferreting last week saw what i thorght was sum big rabbit holes and ther was rabbit poo evrywhere i ad a good look rouned and founed a trail of fox foot prints leeding to one of the holes

i put one of my hobs in what i thought was a rabbit earth last week and he bolted a fox .fox left a little cub behind must of been only a few days old im just glad it didnt take the ferrets head of to protect the thing .


very unusual a fox leaving a cub behind....very preotective animals over cubs....

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Is it where Markbrick's hiding after he jacked in the final of the THL lamping comp? :laugh: :laugh:




I was going to ask if you had any pictures of scraped out bedding Rolfe mate, always a sure sign of Brock. :thumbs:

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