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  FELL TYPE said:


It was an extremely stressed but excited Joe that woke up on the Friday before the Earth Dog, Running Dog Show. I had just received an unexpected chicken delivery which had to be processed & frozen before it turned in the early morning sun. It was a full hour later than expected that I eventually turned up at my good friend’s house to pick him up (Tom Chalmers). Once all of his belongings had been placed in the car, we both set off as Tom had acquired a “Sat-Nav†therefore we didn’t get lost, a first for me. However we did miss a few turn offs as we travelled down the [bANNED TEXT], the M74 onto the M6 eventually turning off at Scotch Corner, because we were chatting so much. I had arranged to drop in on a friend, at Kirby Thore, to collect a digital camera so that I could take some half decent pictures for the show organiser, Danny Sykes.


After dining on a fine lunch, an hour later, both Tom & I continued down the A66 towards Pontefract in Yorkshire, where we had arranged to meet up with two of the show organisers, Fran & Aid. On arriving at our destination, introductions were made & then we all helped to load up their gear, after packing up their dogs, trophies, rosettes & caravan we continued towards our final destination the Earth Dog, Running Dog Show area.


The only incident worth mentioning occurred while we past through Derbyshire town centre, as we followed Fran & Aid, Tom & I listened to the reassuring female voice on the Sat-Nav that all was well, we all climbed up a narrow road up an ever increasingly steep hillside. On reaching the top of the hill we discovered that someone had come up with the bright idea of putting bollards across the road but had failed to tell the Sat-Nav people. As we helped Aid unhitch the caravan from his 4x4, so he could turn back around & find an alternative route. Finally we all arrived at our “chequered flag†final destination.


On disembarking I was introduced to the rest of the show organisers Danny Sykes, Mike & his daughter Hannah, Elaine & Tony Rutherford, their son Thomas & his girlfriend Rachel. Once the introduction were made we all set about the various jobs needed to make the ED/RD show happen, such as putting up the rings & the various marquees, while this was going on Elaine provided a most welcome meal of free range bacon & sausage “buttiesâ€. As we all sat down, after completing the night’s tasks we ate heartily, chatted & drank copious amounts of alcohol.


As the warm sun sunk low, Friday night drew on visitors & friends started to appear & were directed to their allocated parking spaces. Once they were established the party was underway & when the bar was opened the fun really began. Unfortunately the DJ failed to arrive, as he was detained in Oxfordshire but this did not stop us. Thanks to Brian (Baffy) & Lynn and co the party wasn’t without music. Everyone partied well into the early hours & despite everyone being drunk, I’m happy to report, there wasn’t a hint of trouble.


On waking I saw that it was going to be another sunny warm day but I also smelt a heartily breakfast, which consisted of sausages, free range duck eggs, toast & tea. All made by the fair hand of Elaine Rutherford, an angel in “Macham†clothing. After consuming my fill I felt I could take on the world. So I, along with Foxgun Tom, donned my kilt with the intention of mingling. Everyone was in high spirits & this boded for another excellent day. As I passed the bar I saw the barman loading up ten empty barrels onto the back of his 4x4, obviously like us he’d had a good night, this was to a sight that I’d seen more than once over the weekend.


As not all of us were needed, some stayed to man the gate while the rest of us attended local manifold valleys Agricultural Showâ€. The wonderful weather, well presented exhibits of old tractors, the cold ale & excellent company all added to the day. The funniest being when Tony Rutherford & I convinced Foxgun Tom that the barmaid had refused to accept my “Scottish†currency in exchange for a round of drinks. On hearing this news Tom advanced on the bar & attempted to buy another round using the same “Scottish†money. As we’d asked the barmaid to refuse his perfectly legal currency & so she was in on the joke, Tom understandably became upset & only calmed down when he heard us singing “smile you’re on Candid Cameraâ€. He has sworn revenge & we’re still waiting.


After a successful showing of our “Scottish†heritage & further promotion of the ED/RD show the following day, we all returned to the ED/RD show area. While I mingled & took photographs of the dogs & their owners, Elaine produced a sumptuous meal. This one was a homemade lasagne with garlic bread, which went down well with the ale I was consuming. Then I along with the rest of the visitors, who’d arrived during the day, hit the bar & made the proprietor even happier than the previous night, another ten barrels were drunk I’d say. This time thankfully the DJ had turned up & the entertainment began. Including some pole dancing, Ska dance routines & Karaoke, which all helped to make the Saturday night an ever better success that the previous night. Again despite the drunkenness not one a piece of bother or raised word was seen or heard.


On waking to the stunning Sunday morning, spirits were obviously high as the pending show began. After consuming another of Elaine’s cooked “full English breakfastsâ€. I donned my kilt again & set out meet, chat to, shake hands with, hug & kiss as many people as I could possible find. As I watched the hundreds of people (over a thousand turned up) flood through the gate, with the sun getting ever hotter overhead, I couldn’t help but think what a “wonderful show†this was going to be. I wasn’t wrong!


I watched, for hours, some amazing “coursing†events which were expertly carried, each pairs running into the next, like water seamlessly running from stream to river & from river to sea. Then as the time drew closer I, reluctantly, set off for the show ring where I took as many photographs as I could before unfortunately the camera ran out of charge. Again the organisers showed themselves excellently, especially as the pressure was increased by the high numbers of entries, in all of the classes. All handled the pressure & have to be commended for the great their performance.


The judge’s tasks were just as difficult, as they handled every exhibit with the same amount of time. This caused the each class to go on longer than expected, despite the exhausting heat, the exhibitors & their owners all behaved impeccably. Finally, after three or so hours later, the show ended & the winners received their rosettes & trophies.





The raffle & auction prizes were some of the best I’ve ever seen. In particular a full set of hunting DVDs, a fine stuffed cock pheasant with case & a first edition of a limited print (showing a fell terrier chewing on Tom Chlamers sporran) all caught my eye. Those generous individuals who bought vast amounts of tickets & who bid “high†have the undying gratitude of “BADDA†and the local charities


As with everything “good†it all finally came to an end & I along with the others started the task of clearing up the field. Eventually Danny Sykes rallied round & suggested that as we’d made a start, most of the rubbish had been collected by then, the rest could wait till the following morning, all of us descended on the “feeding ground†where Elaine & Fran had “pulled the rabbit out of the hat†again producing another work of “artâ€. This time it was homemade curry, by the end of the night there wasn’t much left, despite there being a “hog roast†available.


Again we all hit the bar & the endless “banter†& laughter went well into the early hours unfortunately, I thought, for the final time. Due to the eagerness of those there to empty the bar, the barman was at a loss as to when to close up because he was torn between selling more ale & his “beauty sleepâ€, eventually Aid suggested midnight & he agreed.


On waking on the drizzly Monday morning it was a less spirited Joe that awoke, however after another Elaine style breakfast I was fresher & ready for some the pending tasks ahead. After a final sweep of the field for rubbish, we all took down the various marquees, collected up the ropes & poles that made the show rings. Finally the thing that I was dreading had to happen, with a heavy heart I said “goodbye†to my new found friends & promised to keep in touch.


Our journey home was uneventful, apart from when Tom & I dropped into to see his friend Brian “Chipper†Smith, where we chatted over a cup of tea & I was given an invite to see Brian’s “Bobbery Pack†hunt. We also dropped into Kirby Thore again to return Kyle’s camera & were forced (without great difficulty in part) to consume a welcoming roast dinner.


I can say without fear of contradiction that the Earth Dog Running Dog was one of the best shows that I’ve attended. It combined two elements which made it for me the bringing together of like minded people & humorous banter which provided entertainment that could not be bought; I would like to thank all who made my weekend away from home very enjoyable. Finally would like to say I look forward to seeing you all again soon & being there again next year.


Yours in Sport,


Joe (Doohan) Kyrollos.



A great report on a great show, Joe....... But Owld Tom needs to get a new SatNav !!! Scotch Corner is nowhere near the M6, and the A66 will take you nowhere near Pontefract !! You need the A1 !! LOL !! But then again, Tom gets confused any time he comes south of the "wall" !!



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  Cleanspade said:
i cant remember ever seeing a show get such a glowing report. pages and pages of praise. sorry i missed it. well done to all involved. does anyone know the winning plummers

OOPS !!! got them somewhere ill dig them out and post them

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  FELL TYPE said:
  Cleanspade said:
i cant remember ever seeing a show get such a glowing report. pages and pages of praise. sorry i missed it. well done to all involved. does anyone know the winning plummers

OOPS !!! got them somewhere ill dig them out and post them


cheers :notworthy:

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  Cleanspade said:
  FELL TYPE said:
  Cleanspade said:
i cant remember ever seeing a show get such a glowing report. pages and pages of praise. sorry i missed it. well done to all involved. does anyone know the winning plummers

OOPS !!! got them somewhere ill dig them out and post them


cheers :notworthy:


taken from the PT forum CS:


Pups under 12 months


1st Oakfield Vinnie

2nd Oakfield Lita

3rd Remlap Pippa


dog class


1st Legion Dar ( Bane)

2nd archie

3rd oakfield blade


bitch class


1st Oakfield Diva

2nd Saxon Petal

3rd Legion Ivy


Best in Show


Oakfield Diva




Legion Dar (Bane)




Oakfield Diva , Oakfield Blade


Legion Dar (Bane), Legion Trove (Blaise)


Legion Ivy, Pinsley Ace





Oakfield Diva, Oakfield Lita


Stonyford China.Oakfield Vinnie


Wyremead Rosie , Saxon Petal


best entered


1st Stonyford China

2nd Oakfield Blade

3rd archie (sorry dot know prefix)

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  • 3 weeks later...
  events co-ordinator said:
  FELL TYPE said:
thanks keeps

Just heard an eejit on a quad ran into a pram with a kid in it at the show ifso was the kid ok?

first of all the guy was nt an EEJIT as you call him and secondly it was a push bike and not a quad(big difference) and it was an unfortunate accident and yes the child was fine

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  terrier.2 said:
  events co-ordinator said:
  FELL TYPE said:
thanks keeps

Just heard an eejit on a quad ran into a pram with a kid in it at the show ifso was the kid ok?

first of all the guy was nt an EEJIT as you call him and secondly it was a push bike and not a quad(big difference) and it was an unfortunate accident and yes the child was fine

Thanks for that long as the kid was ok just heard people laughing about it at D&G as if it was something funny, should've went to specsavers !

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I'm the so called "eejit" your referring too, as your very much aware? the incident was neither funny or amusing I was pedalling the bike when someone threw an object at the spokes :angry: at this stage I was near a kids buggie, when I lost my balance I put my hand out to protect the baby and no damage was done!! The baby's Mother said the baby's fine it got more of a fright when I tried to console it! The down side was!! the baby's father did'nt see the whole event take place and was rightfully angry when he see's me on the ground and the toddler crying!


Words were said to me and rightly so!! from the Fathers perspective!. I was'nt under the influence, in fact I was still on medication whilst recovering from minor heart surgery three weeks before


When the baby's Dad was made aware of the full event and realised it was nothing but a silly accident, we both had a beer at the Karaoke in the beer tent that night. I offered a full and unreserved apology and the kids Dad was aware that I would never intentionly put a child at risk!! In fact I'll be back at EDRD next year sponsoring part of the event like I did this year!!


You seem to know a lot about me? but you've got me at a disadvantage as I have'nt a clue who you are!


If people are laughing because there's a chance a child could have been hurt? there's some serious sick people out there


There was no-one more than upset and angry than me when the incident took place, my only concern was for the toddler, Life itself is full of if's and but's if! the object had'nt been thrown would the incident have happened but! if I had'nt ridden the pushbike would we be posting about it now




Ps: to spread downright untruths and lies and chinese whipers about an incident is'nt just bad its vindictive!!! eg:


"Just heard an eejit on a quad ran into a pram with a kid in it at the show ifso was the kid ok?"


There was no Quad? and no-one ran into a kid with one at EDRD!! and its still the best working dog show in the UK


Pps: your the first person to mention the incident? (why?) I was at the Dumfries and Galloway show Why did'nt you introduce yourself and ask for a version of events from some other people who witnessed the event who were also at D&G


Ppps: to also try and spoil a cracking thread about the best show in the UK with this shit!! is also a bad craic especially when the incident concerned was a non event and forgotten by the people involved :angry:

Edited by Foxgun Tom
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  Foxgun Tom said:
I'm the so called "eejit" your referring too, as your very much aware? the incident was neither funny or amusing I was pedalling the bike when someone threw an object at the spokes :angry: at this stage I was near a kids buggie, when I lost my balance I put my hand out to protect the baby and no damage was done!! The baby's Mother said the baby's fine it got more of a fright when I tried to console it! The down side was!! the baby's father did'nt see the whole event take place and was rightfully angry when he see's me on the ground and the toddler crying!


Words were said to me and rightly so!! from the Fathers perspective!. I was'nt under the influence, in fact I was still on medication whilst recovering from minor heart surgery three weeks before


When the baby's Dad was made aware of the full event and realised it was nothing but a silly accident, we both had a beer at the Karaoke in the beer tent that night. I offered a full and unreserved apology and the kids Dad was aware that I would never intentionly put a child at risk!! In fact I'll be back at EDRD next year sponsoring part of the event like I did this year!!


You seem to know a lot about me? but you've got me at a disadvantage as I have'nt a clue who you are!


If people are laughing because there's a chance a child could have been hurt? there's some serious sick people out there


There was no-one more than upset and angry than me when the incident took place, my only concern was for the toddler, Life itself is full of if's and but's if! the object had'nt been thrown would the incident have happened but! if I had'nt ridden the pushbike would we be posting about it now



Read my last post no one mentioned you if you say you were the eejit so be it. I thought the plug for specsavers was cool.

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It was you who first used the term "eejit" without knowing the full facts with a view which was only intent in spreading shit and lies!! No apology for saying it was a quad that ran into a child then? Of course you knew it was me? the only Scotsman wearing a kilt riding a bike at EDRD who else would it be?, or was those points left out the story you heard?



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