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Most memorable shot.


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What's everybody's most memorable shot with an air rifle?


Mine wasn't a long range shot or anything, it was a magpie shot at about 20 yards with my King ratcatcher about a week after I bought it.


It just presented itself on a shed roof as I walked round a corner, I was shooting ferals in barns at the time, and was moving from barn to barn, so all I had to do was line the shot up, and flick the safety off.


Perfect headshot, the birds wings and legs stiffened up, and it rolled awkwardly off the roof! Instantly dead more or less the moment the pellet hit.

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I think mine would be when I hadnt had my gun that long maybe only few weeks and the leaves were still on the trees and the squirells fattening u on acorns.


All day I'd been just stopping and listening for the squirells dropping the nuts/shells throught the trees. Anyway i's had baout 3 squizzers already and I was looking for another that I could hear pretty much straight above me.

I was looking for about 5mins and kept getting glimpses through the leaves and then lost him. Just turned to walk away and he was sat on a branch at about head height about 15-20m infront of just looking at me then started barking at me lol as if to try and scare me off. Soon showed him who was boss lol.


Mind you ive only ben shooting for about 9 months so I can still remember most of them :clapper:



Edited by hughesey1552
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My first rabbit. It was 1983 and I'd not long had my BSA Centenial (still got it) and me and a mate were shooting rats at the local sewage works. (Seems unbelievable today, but it was almost normal to see some kid with an air rifle in places like that. Even the foreman would come up and ask us if we'd shot many.) Anyway about 30 yards the other side of the fence, actually in the compound a rabit appeared. I just took aim, gave it about an inch of holdover and squeesed off the shot. There was an unmistakable THWOCK and the rabbit jumped sideways and fell over. The H&N Coppapoint had hit just behind it's eye and the rabit was food.

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Nice one lads, that's the sort of thing I was on about! :good:


......and me and a mate were shooting rats at the local sewage works. (Seems unbelievable today, but it was almost normal to see some kid with an air rifle in places like that. Even the foreman would come up and ask us if we'd shot many.)


My old man reckons it used to be the same around here. There were loads of people into shooting, and it was nothing to see someone with the air rifle or shotgun over their shoulder. These days you get some funny looks if your walking to your permission in broad daylight! :laugh:;)

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mine was off a roof , a pigoen was sat on a chiney so i lent on the fence all a heared was a SLAP , and the about a second later a maggie flew on to the chiney squaking at the pigeon so i shot it and it was flying really slow with its tale and its legs locked streaght lol



The End lol

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One of,a old buck rabbit i had been after for ages,it had scars on it's face and pellet hole through its ear a perfect testament to its evading skills.One day got close unough for a shot and it was servicing a doe i let it finish it's job then shot got it,with respect i thanked it for it's life and cooked it.it was the toughest rabbit i ever had...............it had the last laugh :icon_eek:

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One of,a old buck rabbit i had been after for ages,it had scars on it's face and pellet hole through its ear a perfect testament to its evading skills.One day got close unough for a shot and it was servicing a doe i let it finish it's job then shot got it,with respect i thanked it for it's life and cooked it.it was the toughest rabbit i ever had...............it had the last laugh :icon_eek:


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i stalked a rabbit for about 50 yards...........got to within about 20 and it scampered into the hedgerow.


i could only see its eye and ear between two posts.........lined up the crosshairs and, well, the rest is history !!!!


im sure there will be tales of monster yardage shots, but for me the most satisfying and memorable shots are the "hunting" shots.


great post mal !!!!





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One more walking along a riverbank covered in wild garlic saw a rabbit up on the ridge about 30 yards shot..... dog set off got it it.... was a baby........ the slug just knocked the little one out cold..... nursed the little one for about 10mins it came round looked me in the eye and pegged it i thought it was'nt ment to be..... the bunny lived on . :D

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