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separating pets from working dogs

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  turk88 said:
hi all am new to this and have started a few topics and got some brilliant replys and advice but 1 thing thats bothering me is


I already have 2 dogs a boxer and a bull dog, but i'm looking at getting 2 lurchers. is it fair that the pets (boxer and bull dog) are allowed to stay in the house but keep the lurchers ( working dogs) out side in a kennel/ run and keep the working separate from the pets??


does anyone think this is unfair to separate them or have all the dogs mingle as one but take the workers out separte to the pets,


hope this all makes sense, I would be greatful to hear you advice and opinions.


many thanks





I.M.O. Where you keep your dog has very little bearing on it`s working ability, some will say they prefer them outside, others will say inside cos you`d bond more readily with your dog.. "but thats a human emotion"

the fact is the dogs dont have any concept of fairness, and their working ability mainly depends on your training ability, and picking the right cross for the type of work you want to do.


yis Mars..

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I have 3 dogs that all live in the house, they are mainly in the kitchen and have a dog door into the garden. When they are clean and sleepy in the evening they are allowed into the lounge. 2 of them work and 1 doesn't, they are all fed raw, healthy, fit and house trained. IMO the house will only smell if they are allowed to sleep on soft furnishings. I wouldn't recommend bathing them very often as this can make them smell more by taking away all the dogs natural oils from the coat.


You really need to do what suits you best, the lurchers will work no matter where they live as long as they are trained properly. If your happy having the "workers" kenneled and the pets inside, then as long as they are mixed regulary/walked together from pups, i can't see it effecting their state of mind or the natural balance within the pack.

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cheers stubby,

thats the kind of answer i was after, but still huge thanks to the other guys the info and advice.


think i will the workers will live out side but still mingle all the time someone's home,


can anyone advise me on a good age as to start letting the dog sleep out side??

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  turk88 said:
cheers stubby,

thats the kind of answer i was after, but still huge thanks to the other guys the info and advice.


think i will the workers will live out side but still mingle all the time someone's home,


can anyone advise me on a good age as to start letting the dog sleep out side??

if it was me personaly i would wait till they are a good 13-16 weeks old befor putting them out side as it can still get a bit nippy at nite and wonte do them much good unles you put in a little electic heater or somthing with plenty of blankets. when it warms up they will be fine. only thing i find with people kenneling dogs is that the dogs howl and bark at all hours a bloke down the road from me has his spanials in kennels and they dont stop. but again its down to how you train them.



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  turk88 said:
  leegreen said:
Lurchers are far less smelly than your stinky old Bull Dog :laugh:


What are you saying things like that for mate, all i asked was for a bit of advice from some experienced people, then you have to say things like that, and it ain't a sore subject or touchy spot I just feel that was uncalled for.


Listen mate I'm only having a laugh. I have had them all and Bull dogs and Bull breeds smell end of. Big dogs + central heating = smell, I'm sure many who know would agree with me. I'm sorry for stating the obvious but maybe you should have done some research before you got your running dogs. Saying all that your pups will be fine outside at this time of year just make sure they have got plenty of bedding and make sure no one can nick them. Can I also ask have you got time for all of these dogs working or otherwise? Oh and I have corrected your punctuation for you, you can thank me later :) .

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