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separating pets from working dogs

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hi all am new to this and have started a few topics and got some brilliant replys and advice but 1 thing thats bothering me is


I already have 2 dogs a boxer and a bull dog, but i'm looking at getting 2 lurchers. is it fair that the pets (boxer and bull dog) are allowed to stay in the house but keep the lurchers ( working dogs) out side in a kennel/ run and keep the working separate from the pets??


does anyone think this is unfair to separate them or have all the dogs mingle as one but take the workers out separte to the pets,


hope this all makes sense, I would be greatful to hear you advice and opinions.


many thanks



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I don't agree with the train of thought that working dogs MUST be kennelled, I have had dogs inside and out. Just choose whichever method suits you and sort out the best housing possible ;)



sorry i dont feel that answered my question lol. would u agree with separating the two kinds?? cos i dont really want my house ending up smelling of dogs but cant put the two pets out side when they have lived inside for 4 years

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I don't agree with the train of thought that working dogs MUST be kennelled, I have had dogs inside and out. Just choose whichever method suits you and sort out the best housing possible ;)



sorry i dont feel that answered my question lol. would u agree with separating the two kinds?? cos i dont really want my house ending up smelling of dogs but cant put the two pets out side when they have lived inside for 4 years


What you mean your house don't smell? what with a Boxer and a Bull Dog, are you having a laugh.

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depends on how old they are and what they have been living in jus like your 2 if they av been indoors they cani go outdoors an if theve been kenneled chances r they aint gonna be house trained


the lurchers are only 8weeks old, was going to keep them in the house for a month or so then put them out side but will the separation cause rivalry between them all

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What you mean your house don't smell? what with a Boxer and a Bull Dog, are you having a laugh.


well i cant smell it and no said nothing, and all the people i know would say right away. and all the time someone is home the back door and windows are open

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Lurchers are far less smelly than your stinky old Bull Dog :laugh:


what ya saying things like that for mate all i asked was for a bit of advice from some experianced people then you have to say things like that, and it aint a sore subject or touchy spot i just feel that wa suncalled for.

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stop slaiting the guys dogs!!! to be onest you will get people telling you to keep them in the house and keep them in kennel if you are going to use them purly for working then put them in a kenel if you are going to use them as a pet aswell keep them in the house or they will get confused on ware they belong as for the house smelling of dog if you keep all 4 inside then just hover a bit more than usual (not saying you dont hover or clean)and the od bit of air freshner. its usualy labradoors and dogs like that that smell as long as they get a wash now and again they will be ok. its all down to how you feel about them if you kennel them just make shore they have some ware they can retreat to out of the rain and wind so they can get warm. i personaly dont like kenneling dogs i dont think its fair but i only have the one and he is a family dog aswell as a worker so he stays inside if i was to have 4 or 5 dogs id kennel them but my dog i had first in the house would stay in the house. hope that helps a bit

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stop slaiting the guys dogs!!! to be onest you will get people telling you to keep them in the house and keep them in kennel if you are going to use them purly for working then put them in a kenel if you are going to use them as a pet aswell keep them in the house or they will get confused on ware they belong as for the house smelling of dog if you keep all 4 inside then just hover a bit more than usual (not saying you dont hover or clean)and the od bit of air freshner. its usualy labradoors and dogs like that that smell as long as they get a wash now and again they will be ok. its all down to how you feel about them if you kennel them just make shore they have some ware they can retreat to out of the rain and wind so they can get warm. i personaly dont like kenneling dogs i dont think its fair but i only have the one and he is a family dog aswell as a worker so he stays inside if i was to have 4 or 5 dogs id kennel them but my dog i had first in the house would stay in the house. hope that helps a bit



huge thanks to clabby and calis82,

thats help a lot thanks guys, but think i might kennel them as i'm goin to try and convice me mother and me girlfriend to let me get a terrier or 2 after next season, again thanks for the help guys,

shame some people cant just be helpful and have to slait people for no good reason.



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Hi Turk, first of all you get a lot of stupid comments on here. You also get a lot more good advice. My suggestion is totally ignore the daft ones or it ends up in 10 page slanging match.


As for kennelling your dogs, I think you could do either but if you kennel them you will have less exitement from your other 2 when your taking the lurchers out working. I have 2 in my house and it's a nightmare when it's raining and they get filthy so a nice warm kennel aint a bad idea. Good luck with whatever you choose.

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