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Well a long story really. My girlfriends neighbours have a champ bred black lab (working and show parents) he was a really good pup healthy happy etc. but then the owners got bored of him and the novelty had worn off. :censored: these are the kind of people who shouldnt own a dog they havent walked him in....well years! My girlfriend walks him as a walk for them is to chuck him the the tiny back garden and them beat him for shitting in the garden :wallbash::censored: And he was not allowed to walk on the grass and had to walk on the stepping stones on the grass (or he was beat senseless) He is left in the house for more than 8 hours at a time and is basically an 'ornament' to them when their friends are round. He has shrunk now and seems to be ageing quick and is clearly miserable woth them as he tries to escape. He is a really good dog away from them and is an outstanding scent dog and marks rabbits like a champ. Loves being out with us away from them. His diet is dispicable so we feed him when hes out on some good wholesome food (not the cheapest in the shop) He is very obedient (to gundog standard I would say) he sits the second you say and will heel and stop in command. The only problem is that the 'owners' did this through fear ('sit or i kick the living shite out of you' attitude.) But with us he isnt as scared but will cower slightly if im shouting at my dog to stop fannying around. This has eventually been drowned out now and will work happily with us.

Anyway what Im asking is what is the best way to get his fitness back up? so he can be back to the standard he once was. He has the opportunity to be entered into a show near the end of this year so there is plenty time. He is about 5. Dont let that think that hes too old. In the short time iv been with him he has improved drastically (he actually runs around now as he was so unfit he struggled to start running ,thats how bad he was,)

Any help appreciated




Edited by JordKil
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Gently as it will take a year or so to get any true fitness. Just increase what it does by about 10% a week mixing some steady stamina stuff such as trotting/road work with a little speedier stuff such as ball work. . It takes time to build up the cardiovascular systems to cope with hard work, longer than the muscloskeletal system, so just because it looks good after 3 months the back up systems will still be weak. Keep an eye on his pads as they will be very soft.

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Well done for your efforts Jordan. People like you are describing should be banned from owning any animal. I have read your post twice, and cannot see if you now keep this dog or if you "borrow" him? If you haven't done so already, you should have a head to head with these prats, and offer to give him a home, as they seem tired of him etc. He will never get good condition while he gets mistreated, no matter what he eats, nerves and fear wear them down. Don't expect much as regards showing, he may not stand for a male judge to go over him, without plenty of "therapy". Friends are useful for gently going over a dog to prepare for showing, but unless you get him out of that house, I doubt you will do any good.

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Exactly people like them make me sick!

We do just borrow him but its not like they'd care if he never came back. To them he's just something they show off to their friends at partys saying they 'saved' him. (they got him when he was 2 as the breeder just took him off of the previous owners. He was found wandering the streets and the breeder nearly ran him over) To be honest I think he would have been better off wandering like a stray free to roam and enjoy life to the full. Id love to take him but my dog doesnt get on with him unfortunately because chewy (the lab) was never properly socialised and doesnt know how to act around other dogs so it makes harry (mine) kick off. Sadly this is also the case with some dogs he meets on our outings but luckily my girlfriends GSD/Husky pup is very very big and loves chewy to bits and see's off any dog that trys it (other than harry lol as he is top dog in our pack)

I didnt have much hope for showing myself but my girlfriend is determined (as she does alot of work with him being neighbours and all) But his back legs cross when he walks due to him having to walk on stepping stones in the garden and not being allowed to touch the grass.

Iv known him for just over a year and the nerves of bing with them has turned him into less than the shell of the dog he once was. His legs have shrunken and his head is low. You raise your voice and he cowers on the ground yelping with utter fear (this is just me talking to someone at a distance or shouting at my own dog.) We havent groomed him yet as that was the plan for tomorrow but he is 'ill' according to the owner and is on tablets (she wont say why :wallbash:) but all I know is that his bloody useless vet should of picked up his state of health and mind years ago!

Thankfully getting him out of the house for the day (morning until late at night) will/has been very easy as my girlfriend has a key and can get him at about 6am and put him back 10pm (the 'owners' sleep/laze around on their fat arses all day and never take him out as they think he is 'tired' from sitting in the garden for 5 mins! :censored:

Also recentlyI found out that he had suffered from a urinary infection some years ago due to him not getting to pee (he woulndt dare in the house as he'd be slaughtered :wallbash:)







(sorry to go on but it makes my f*****g blood boil)

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Pity you can't have the poor lad permanently, but good on you for what you do to make his sad life better. I can't stand people who mis treat animals. Mostly they are sad inadequates, who can only assert themselves against a dumb animal. What about, (if you knew someone looking to give a dog a home) "losing" him when you are out? There has to be a way to sort this situation out. Meanwhile, keep up the good work you are doing.

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