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chattering teeth

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ive just come home after a bit of a walk with my lurcher & whippet dog, i know he had worms when i had him, as i found a roundworm crawling down his tail! my friend told me that the chattering of the jaws was a classic symptom of a worm infestation! i duly wormed him with panacur, a month later he still did it! then i tried drontal + as this is meant to be more efective against roundworm, the problem persists so the vet told me to try milbemax! it seemed that the problem was cured up untill today, yep. you guessed it, he looked up at me, smiled, and gave me the old chatter! its been a month since i wormed him last, have any of you guys & galls ever come across this? & if so what did you do to cure it? cheers, rhys.

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cheers jay, never thaught of that! perhaps because he wasnt in the best of nic when i had him i assumed it was medical! along with what my mate said! it never dawned on me that he could be loving his day out!

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A bitch or dog also does it when they have smelled a bitch coming into or in season.I have a bitch that stands and chomps at you when she wants attention.




My old dog does it when near a bitch in season, Jay is also right dogs do it when excited :good:

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all dogs will do it if they have been close to a bitch in season,some more noticeable than others,all my dog lurchers have done it and at the moment i have a bitch in season and my 9 month old pup lurcher does it when around her,if you worried about anything being wrong with your dog get the vet to take some blood tests,if its anything to worry about it should come up on the results,but in saying that you already said you have took it to the vets and he would of done this if he thought anything was wrong,as long as the dog feeding and drinking alright i would not worry to much,you might find they will druel a touch as well,always do when a bitch in season,only the other day a freind came over to show me his bitch lurcher,i noticed a old detired dog in the living room his mouth was going,i then said to my mate your bitch coming in to season,a week later he rang me and said she was full in season,keep hunting

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visit a greyhound kennels and you will be greeted with a dogs smile, teeth chattering, its a normal behavior. probably based on pseudo grooming. this is a little different from the "fleming" type behavior of a dog scenting a bitch in season.

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  • 1 month later...

My Brittany bitch (7 yrs) is epileptic. She has 'petite-mal' fits where her teeth chatter and her forehead spasms. She can still move the rest of her body and is conscious throughout, but it was quite strange the first time it happened!


They last for about 30 seconds or so and occur a few times a week on average (That I know of).



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