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Propper stock protection

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well done, strange for carcases to be at the sett when cubs are not on solids yet.


I've seen exactly the same happen but with free range piglets. There were 4 fairly fresh and large piglets in shallow "larder holes" partially buried next to the earth which had 5 cubs similar in size to these.

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We had a call yesterday from the shephard on our local estate that hes lost several lambs.The keeper has been out with lamp and night vision but not seen a thing so its down to us to get her in the ground .We walked miles in search of an earth that showed signs of cubs but as you would expect on a well keepered estate ,they werent about .One last chance this morning of a look along a fir shelter belt on a far boundary produced the goods .I noticed a place kicked out a bit more than the usual rabbit holes and knelt down to inspect it .The back end of a lamb was on view and i drew it out to find a headless corpse Another was in veiw so i pulled that out ,the back end of a new born .Another carcass was visable from deeper in with a torch so i trenched the entrance to remove that too before netting it and allowing the small bitch in to have a look . Baying and mixing was soon heard from not too far in .The usual banter accoumpanied the wait while she settled to her job and then we found her at 1.4 ,about 10 foot from the hole to the right .This bitch is a veteran fox dog that knows the job inside out so no worries about her getting pushed about even by an angry vixen .We dug into the bankside easily in the sand ,no roots or rock just pure orange sand :D .Got to her and it was me that broke in just in time to see the vixen strike forward with lightning speed and then retreat to the stop end just behind her .Filled in behind the dog and chipped away the earth around charlie for a shot .Lifted the bitch with a spade infront of charlie to prevent a bolt .Shot the fox ,drew it out and three cubs tumbled out with her ,still that chocalate brown and eyes shut tight .Humanely despatched them and phoned the shephard .He arrived and said that two more went last night and that hopefully we had the culprit .Job well done in my book where the gun failed .The cubs weren't yet on solids so was she stock piling for the future ?







Excellant terrierwork mate,Good write up of the days story,And FOXES taken care off how they SHOULD be.

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