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Making up for lost time

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Ive had a few days off work this week, and have made the most of it with rabbiting and lamping trips organised. We were out lamping last night then back out this morning, to our usual place - a bit of a blustery day today!


It was one of those mornings that goes over fast and before we knew it we had a few in the bag - just the way I like it. All went well, ferrets bolting rabbits, and hardly any digs today - totally different to when we were on the lowlands - up here we havent seen any baby rabbits yet. Some more pics from today. I actually tried to video a bit of it, but I think I need to brush up on my videoing skills before I post anything up :D they were a bit blurry to say the least :icon_redface: Hopefully, pics will make up for it, I will keep trying... Dogs slept well on the way home :D
































not a bad bag - in fact a very good bag considering it had to be carried uphill back to the car :D


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Great pics K,the 3rd pic is great...no young up on the high ground yet,your doing well :victory:


We noticed a huge difference last week on the lower ground when we were doing a rabbit control job on some hedgerows near us, lots of baby & half grown rabbits about - have yet to see one up there, mind its been a harder winter than normal :)

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Ive had a few days off work this week, and have made the most of it with rabbiting and lamping trips organised. We were out lamping last night then back out this morning, to our usual place - a bit of a blustery day today!


It was one of those mornings that goes over fast and before we knew it we had a few in the bag - just the way I like it. All went well, ferrets bolting rabbits, and hardly any digs today - totally different to when we were on the lowlands - up here we havent seen any baby rabbits yet. Some more pics from today. I actually tried to video a bit of it, but I think I need to brush up on my videoing skills before I post anything up :D they were a bit blurry to say the least :icon_redface: Hopefully, pics will make up for it, I will keep trying... Dogs slept well on the way home :D
































not a bad bag - in fact a very good bag considering it had to be carried uphill back to the car :D


is it still ther much about now that the spings here slip
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is it still ther much about now that the spings here slip

Yes theres still quite a bit about, given that we haven't ferreted it as much in the last few weeks due to the dogs injuries, and we have been doing some previously unferreted areas recently. We also have a few more new bits to go at, though these will be "pest control" jobs as we have to continue quite a bit into the summer - not something I particularly like doing, summer ferreting can be hard work, but have to if we are to keep the permission we have.

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is it still ther much about now that the spings here slip

Yes theres still quite a bit about, given that we haven't ferreted it as much in the last few weeks due to the dogs injuries, and we have been doing some previously unferreted areas recently. We also have a few more new bits to go at, though these will be "pest control" jobs as we have to continue quite a bit into the summer - not something I particularly like doing, summer ferreting can be hard work, but have to if we are to keep the permission we have.

we have to go just about all year round too and if we dont they will just get some one that will , not worth loosing the land, infact we have been called in morning ad to look at some more land to look at cant wait ive been told they are over run with vermin atb rob...

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