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pup still messing at night?

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can any help iv got a jrtx pup that is now about 10 months and she is still messing indoors at night. i tried the papper method with no luck so i bought her a dog cage for night time hopeing she would not mess her bed it worked for about 2-3 days now every morning that i get up (about 6.30) she has messed her cage she will go out side and gets treats and praised for it but she will still come in and go on the floor....anyone?

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Change the time that you feed her or cut down on the number of feeds: that might help.


She has obviously got the wrong idea initially about where to go. Can be a real problem if she's got to this age!


What do you feed her on? If you feed raw that will cut down on the amount of waste she passes so she will need to go less often and won't crap so much either.


Try feeding her late at night: that way she won't need to go during the night. Make sure she has plenty of exercise before she goes to bed so she'll have time to crap and also be tired.

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My bitch was 8 months when i got her and she was ludicrous could have her out running around for 4 or 5 hours and shed come in and go on the floor.If i left her in herself she used to crap on the floor.Till 3 weeks on i lost it and went off my rocker at her and gave her a slap and she stopped instantly can hold her water for ages now.I used the crate with great sucess now i dont need it

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