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what was your first dog

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well my first dog was a weimaraner (just a pet dumb as fxxk) after that i got a lakieXjack for working and thats me hooked on the terriers .a was just wondering how other people got in to them them and what dogs thay started off with.

(al try put some pics of them up later)

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I got into terriers through my father and grandfather both being terriermen, the first terrier i purchased was a lakeland dog, wasnt the best ive ever had.

my father died a young man and my grandfather a couple of years before that ,theres many a time i think about what they would of thought of todays terriers in comparison to the old ones they kept, i remember my grandfather owned 2 terriers when i was about 8 yrs old (1 a little westie and the other a scottie) bought for my grandmother because she was born in scotland, both were seemingly the best terriers for miles around , i dont know of anyone working these types nowadays?

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we got a staff/terrier cross after my younger brother was attacked by a german sheperd(early 70s) the dog looked like minture staffy with a goatie that dog never wore a coller lived outside never wanderd tough as old boots one of the best dogs i have ever had and got me into th dogs big time :clapper:

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patterdale bitch who never went to ground until she was 3 yr old and she was my best earth dog ever not hard but sensible and bayed all day long,she died doing a days graft. Then a terrierman gave me a patterdale pup and he self entered way too early but was a very game dog and would take hold if he had the chance,he also died grafting. But managed to breed him with my bitch and kept 2 back one is no longer here died not long ago of cancer but still have the bitch from that line and she is pretty game and will take hold given any chance. Now trying a jrt of a well known terrierman small type but very good bayer and is doing very well

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The fist dogs i had was 2 staffy's. Then i met my partner he had 1 lab to start with now we hae 6 dog's (all working he a gamkekeeper so either to the gun or lamp). Still on the look out for a wee terrier though


the best dog we had has got to be our lab who was a good al rounder in his day!.


so you could say he got me into the dogs u cant beat a night s lamping in my book now i go when ever given the chance which isnt often enough due to me having 2 young kids but all will be good when they are both at school as will be taking the dogs out during the day!

Edited by Terrie
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Had working Labs all my life first on when I was 8, my Grandfather used to have a JRT called Patch but I think the last day out with some Patterdales and a couple of good lads has changed me and I am up for a Patterdale now have got my name down on a list for one so any tips for a new terrier man would be more than welcom :victory:


Cheers HTS

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my first terrier was a wire haired little jack russell,i was about 13 i think and he was already working when i got him, good little fox dog. this pic from B.PLUMBER'S book is almost identical to him. skiplookalike.jpg

Edited by dev
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