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Well there has been quite a long thread on this site started by IMO not a very good pic of 4 dead cubs and a couple of terriers.I am not against the killing of cubs infact in some cases it is a real necessity.

I personaly would of liked a bit of background information about the days pest control why?where?how?.Even just one of these questions answered would of been of intrest.A pic of 4 dead cubs laying in a grass field is again IMO piss poor.

Some of the lads on here jump on the band wagon not realy reading and definatly not understanding where myself and others are coming from.Should we be ashamed of killing cubs as long as its pest control definatly not, killing cubs for sport well do me a favour and take up basket weaving or something. :D .

Ive been lucky this year so far not to have been asked to deal with a litter, in the past I have and Ive always found it a chore the only real challenge to the terrier is the nose work finding a cub tucked up in one of those reeking earths ,can be a bit difficult for a young terrier but I think with a bit of perseverance and digging on even a mediocre dog should pass this minor of tests.Does it bring on a young terrier IMO no it doesnt ,a bit of ratting in a shitty farm yard would have the same benefits.

Roll on september and the colder darker months,a time when some of the cubkillers will find thing a little more testing a time when things bite back.

Good luck to all.

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Guest chilli

Whats the difference killing a pup to a adult ?? killing is killing in my book wether its now november or march . Just because you dont agree with it dont make it wrong live an let live i say , I know its hard to keep quiet if you dont agree with something but the world is full of shit we dont like , It all smacks of hypocrisy to me with people trying to take moral high ground over killing of cubs this time of year .

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I've been asked to kill cubs every year and I don't see it as a bad thing,it has to be done is service to farmers and to other hunters(I like to shot pheasant and hares in september :yes: ).certanly its not good sport but my my dad and uncles did it in their days and others before them so I'll keep doing it.

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the only thing i thought wa a bit suss was he said the pic was taken in the farmers garden.if you look you can see its a terrace house how many farmers live in them?

I think the inspector Clueso shit is a bit overdone on this one cubs or adults if your controling pest you control end of. :angry:

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the only thing i thought wa a bit suss was he said the pic was taken in the farmers garden.if you look you can see its a terrace house how many farmers live in them?

:blink: f..king hell mate steady on next you will be askin for DNA and soil samples and getting the time team in to date the bricks on the buildings :laugh: :laugh

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Guest Dillon
Whats the difference killing a pup to a adult ?? killing is killing in my book wether its now november or march . Just because you dont agree with it dont make it wrong live an let live i say , I know its hard to keep quiet if you dont agree with something but the world is full of shit we dont like , It all smacks of hypocrisy to me with people trying to take moral high ground over killing of cubs this time of year .



Some big words there for a stev##age pikie :laugh: Chilli, there is a whole lot of difference in killing a cub and killing an adult fox. I am inclined to agree with kane on this one, there was no description of when where and how, young dog old dog long dig short dig, to say killing is killing, now, november or march well I thought you were a bit more grown up than that :tongue2: The fact that lads put pictures of cubs up in a garden with no real explanation is laughable, I stopped logging on as frequently because the subject of cub killing pisses me off no end, like Kane, I havn't had to deal with any cubs this year as of yet, however i have found over twenty litters and regularly watch three of them, I'd say fifteen of these litters would be easy to kill but for me they aint doing any damage and they will be even harder in the winter ;)


Pest control - no problem lads work away.

Bravado - well ard cub killers get a life

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Guest chilli

Rather be a pikie from down south than one from up north !!


Like i said all the same to me no differance , I may be many things but a bigot aint one of them i honestly dont give a f**k what people do, its what got us into this situation in the first place in my eyes .


Dont get me wrong i can see were people are coming from i fully understand why you want to leave the cubs till they get older , it just dont sit right with me condeming people for what they do .

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if you have to,you have to,thats fair enough,and i dont think many will dispute it,But if nobody is gonna let stuff breed,how long is it gonna be,before theres nothing left?granted maby not for a while,but killing stuff thats heavy from suckling young,or cubs for the sake of it,is a selfish act(im gonna kill it before someone else does)and it doesnt say much for any of us if all we are teaching the younger ones,is to kill anything they see,what ever happened to respect?the kids nowadays dont respect thier elders,never mind thier quarry


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It doesn't matter what text accompanies a picture as some of the replies usually show they aren't read anyway!!


As for wiping out foxes.....stroll on.. the road is the top killer every year and will be for a very long time yet!


Personally, folk need to refrain from negative comments if they can't say anything positive. Saying that threads of "well done pal" or "nice one mate" read just as boring as some pontificating eject lecturing as to the "true" ways of dishing out death..!

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It doesn't matter what text accompanies a picture as some of the replies usually show they aren't read anyway!!


As for wiping out foxes.....stroll on.. the road is the top killer every year and will be for a very long time yet!


Personally, folk need to refrain from negative comments if they can't say anything positive. Saying that threads of "well done pal" or "nice one mate" read just as boring as some pontificating eject lecturing as to the "true" ways of dishing out death..!

Quite true mate :good:

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It doesn't matter what text accompanies a picture as some of the replies usually show they aren't read anyway!!


As for wiping out foxes.....stroll on.. the road is the top killer every year and will be for a very long time yet!


Personally, folk need to refrain from negative comments if they can't say anything positive. Saying that threads of "well done pal" or "nice one mate" read just as boring as some pontificating eject lecturing as to the "true" ways of dishing out death..!



I totaly agree think people should be able to express their views and opinions without having to pander to anybody.

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