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hi all i havethe folowing for sale or swap al prices include postage and package


1. stricktley ferreting the unseen footage dvd £ 7. sold

2. ferreting with simon whitehead dvd £7. sold

3. crow shooting dvd £7. sold pending usual


4. pigeon decoying dvd £7. sold pending usual


5. reloading shotgun carts dvd £7. sold

6. ferreting down under dvd £7. sold


7. ferrets dvd £7sold


8. long netting vol 1 and 2 and ferreting to the long net 3x dvd £10. sold pending usual

9. duckshooting dvd £7. sold pending


10. spaniel training dvd £7.


11. spaniel training dvd £7.


12. the ferret man simon white head video £7.


13. gun dog training basic and advaced videos £35.


14. wild fowling pool harbour video £7.


15. gun dog training holland and holland videon £ 7.


16. the family dog care and training £7.


i am open to offers and will swap for anythng to do with stalking or rifle shooting.


many thanks


Edited by riggers
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sorrymate they are gone have all the videos left though



videos! what are they :clapper: don't think i got a video player in the house lol will have to have a look


will do some one a good deal on the videos they are excellant video player second hand 10 well worth iot

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