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got my ruff coated bitch clipped and groomed the day

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ive got a wheton x bitch thats is very thick coated my mate owns a dog boarding kennels and does dog groomin offered to do my bitch as shes going to b havin pups and cant stand the heat in the summer so i said why not 3 hours she was gone heres a before and after pic let me no wat u think


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ive alllready lined her due first week in may ive lined her with a 26inche bull grey collie wippet grey my mate has owned him since 6 weeks old his now 5 wat a dog he was in his day before a few bad injurys she will b alot more easy 2 keep clean for a while :victory:

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a think she was clipped and she lives in doors the now am gettin a heat lamp for when she has the pups ive build a box in my shed for her and the pups so it should b nice and warm am lettin her have them outside so they can get used 2 it straight away

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Did you strip her or clip her? I clip my bitch she has a similar coat, the stripping is a good job, bit more work and time involved but is good for the coat and skin

She's definitely been clipped. It would be interesting to see her when her coat has grown back as clipping can affect the way it grows. This is why I'll be stripping mine. If her coat grows back the same i may well clip mine instead..... much quicker :)


She's a stunner btw.

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