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Best skip find ever

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so whats the best thing you have found in a skip ? lol


For me its this




little tykes climbing frame thingi I found a month or so ago :D jet washed up a treat, and the boys love it.


before that, it was an undamaged 6 foot by 4 foot fish tank and stand, lights ext, I found in the late 90s :D


Im sorta hoping im not the only one to aquire a thing or 2 from skips lol.

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my brother in law drove a skip lorry and got box of sony discmans (when they where the in thing) because the box was wet when he opened it they where all sealed in plastic

i worked for the company that uplifts the TV's from the tip we had a massive telly and the kids had them also and technics stereos in all the rooms

we live in a disposable society

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Dad's a Skip Lorry Driver so brings Home all Sorts..

£170 Teddy Bear, Petrol Strimmer, Copper, Lead, Paintings.. You name It!



One of my best mates is a skip driver, you wouldn't believe the things he's brought home! :o Brand new kids bikes in January, skipped because a bolt had worked loose, a laptop, mobile phones, a gameboy, boxes full of decant DVD's, a portable flatscreen TV, adult bikes that need new tyres, stereos skipped because they'd bought new ones, remote control cars & a boxed collectors edition 007 DB7 that had a bit of dust on the box due to a ceiling collapse, that went for £70 on eBay.


You wouldn't believe some of the stuff that people chuck out because they no longer want it. :no:

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I'm in to the freecycle thing to have picked up so much, complete set of wooden garden furniture a year old paving stones plants gravel 3 tones, kids toys dog beds kennels hutches and runs wire a shed, far to much to list. there was a guy in The paper who kitted out his whole house through freecycle.

i found out about this site through freecycle i posted a wanted add for drainage pipe for the ferrets and he replied.

its also a good way of getting rid of rubbish as well i must of got rid of about 6 tones of horse s**t to people with allotments.

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when I was at primary school in the 70's my mother brought me some Gary Glitter high heel boys shoes with Bugandy toes :blush: . after school one day I was routing through the local tip with some friends and came across a half decent pair of shoes which fitted me perfect, I lobbed my nice shiney new pair in the skip and went home with the other pair on :whistling:, My mother went back to look for them but thankfully never found them. My skip shoes did me proud though for a while :laugh:. these days I have a little more class and just route through the skips for the odd pairs of pants or socks to wear :angel:.....



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I do it the easy way these days.Getting to old to clamber in and out of skips.




People post stuff they want shot off.

You go round and pick it up,FREE.

Last week I just missed 2 large rabbit hutches in fair nick.A bunny hugger got there 1/2hr before me. :wallbash:



:drink::drink::drink::drink::drink: >>>>> :sick:





another site like this is http://www.jumbletown.ie/forums/index.php some of the stuff they give away is amazing

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Talking about tips.....! :laugh:


A few years ago we were dumping some rubbish from a job, and there was a new looking dyson hoover lying in the skip. I'd had an older model from there a week before, put a new flex on it, and it worked perfectly.


My workmate Wayne spotted it, and said 'Ah, my turn to have one!', and jumped down into the skip to get it. Wayne's nickname in the town is 'F off Wayne', on account of the type of language he uses!


One of the so called workers, (you know the lazy feckers that sit in the portacabin drinking coffee, watching old people struggle up the steps to the skip with heavy bags of rubbish, unless it's something they want!) shouted out, 'Hey! Get out of there, you're not allowed to get in there, health & safety!'


Well quick as anything, Wayne popped his head up out of the skip, and shouted at the top of his voice, 'WELL IT DON'T STOP YOU F**KING LAZY SHOWER OF USELESS BA****DS DIVING IN HERE, DOES IT??'


He got the hoover anyway!


:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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When we where younger we used to go raid the local skip yard every sunday when nobody was working..i never really found anything good but a mate found a carrier bag full of porno mag's one day and he was well pleased.. :D ..i bet he was'nt when he got home though and found all the page's stuck together with man glue.. :laugh: ..


LMFAO man glue ...a classic :D

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