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Making a small Fish Pond.

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I've got a small Pond which I am going to enlarge as there's a bit of Liner left..


At the moment It's full of Green Algae which fills the surface of the Pond!

It's got no Fish In and no Pump but I'd like to stock It with a couple of Fish :yes:


Once finished It will be around 1.5m x 1m and about 75cm Deep, how many Fish could this Hold and what Species?

What sort of Pump will I need?


Any Ideas are appreciated.


Butch ;)

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Without adding a 'proper' filtration system, I would just go for a couple of goldfish - they can grow quite large in a pond situation. If you do not use an ultraviolet filter, your water is likely to stay green and full of algae - the goldfish probably wouldn't mind it though and it would give them a bit of shelter from predators such as herons. A pump to circulate the water would probably help the goldfish through the summer months when there is less oxygen in the water. In a pond like the one you are planning you would probably be best to keep just a few fish and don't feed them much - they always find something to eat and seem to thrive on little attention and surive better if their enviornment is not fussed with too much. Stick some photos on when you get it up and running.

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I was thinking of a Couple of Goldfish :yes:

Would a Bubble Strip (think that's the name) that you use In a Fish Tank be alright as that will give Oxygen?


I'd like to fill the bottom of the Pond with a layer of Gravel.


I take It they'll be alright In Rainwater from the Butt as they're hardy Fish?



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So I take It they're got one Hose to go In the Pond which sucks the Water out and then another Hose which Water comes out of which I could stick In the Water Butt?


I could make a little Waterfall out of Rocks and that.. :yes:


How much do they cost?


Will I also need a Filter or will the Fish eat the Algae?



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The pump sits in the lower pond, and the hose will go to the butt. It will be better if you get a filter, but if you've got moving water & enough weed, it might be OK.


A filter like this will be enough for a small pond, and you'll need a pump to go with it.




Connect that little pump up to a filter like the one above, and you'll not get any algae. ;)

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I'll get It set up with just the Pump and see how It goes.. ;)


If the Weather permits which I doubt It will, I'll have the Pond enlarged and refilled by Tomorrow.. Just gotta order the Pump then.


How do you connect that Pump to a Filter then?


Butch :yes:

Edited by Little Butch
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My pond is approx 7ft long, 5ft deep and 4ft wide

But only about 3ft of it is above land, made out of blocks and a liner, with railings around the top for safety with the kids and the dogs


Pump pushes through 1000 gallons per hour, think my pond holds about 500 gallons.

I have 2 filter systems one just being a water header tank with a few pipes connected all from B&Q

1 filter full of brushes and the other as all the stone stuff in..


I have about 20 average size Koi in mine never had any probs and the water is always very clear.



You could make a veg filter (think thats what they are called) basicly get a long plastic garden trough and fill it with plants and then run the water from the filter into it and then it will fall back into the pond, creating a nice little waterfall effect with some plants to put the goodness back in to the pond.



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