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Not retrieving dummy

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sounds like it's more a case of not putting one and one together.

get her to sit, they stay then throw tennis ball then tell her to fetch, you want her to 'fetch' on command so she understands it first.

mix it up with dummies and bumpers. tennis balls with game scent on them work well for young pups, sounds like you a training in a game of chase the ball not actual retrieve work.

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  young_london_hunter said:
hi my 20 month old GSP is brilliant at retieving tennis balls from open field, upwind, downwind, cover etc.

I have brought a green cnavas dummy, and he does not associate it with retrieving ?

I call the command fetch and throw it but no response ?


ANy ideas ?

1- put dog into sit mode

2- tell dog to stay

3- throw dummy or ball

4- allow time for dog to mark fall

5- send dog to retrieve with the command eg 'fetch'

6-accept the retrieve to hand.


this is the normal routine.........at 20 months your gsp should be well past this stage and be picking up anything she is told to retrieve, bird, bumper etc.

if she is not 100% in those 6 steps return to the basics starting at 'sit'.

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you can use the time doing retrieving training to enforce your control over your dog, it helps with the steadyness training needed when you have her on point or when she won't sit to flush, here's a vid , i'm actually in the process of fixing the blackdog not the bitch.

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