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harris or redtail???


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hi people i have now decided to get a bird and before you start i have thought long and hard, and i have also found someone who will help me along the way, the thing is i cant decide between the harris and the redtail?? my mate who i will be flying with has had both and said the redtail was by far the more powerful bird and much better on squirrals,


i want the bird mainly for rabbit but i would also like a bird than wont struggle on squirral, what is you oppinion? cheers karl

Edited by karl_20
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you will learn alot more from a redtail thats for sure. If its just rabbit and squirell you are after then a female harris will do the job although red tails are better suited for squirell. The other thing you have to consider is will you ever want to fly with friends in a cast if so then you want a harris. im not saying you cant with a red tail but it is ALOT easier with a harris.


cheers martin

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you will learn alot more from a redtail thats for sure. If its just rabbit and squirell you are after then a female harris will do the job although red tails are better suited for squirell. The other thing you have to consider is will you ever want to fly with friends in a cast if so then you want a harris. im not saying you cant with a red tail but it is ALOT easier with a harris.


cheers martin

cheers martin my friend currently flys a harris so i was think more towards one but i was told they wernt the best on squirral, but if they will do the job and i can also fly with my mates harris then sounds like the bird for me cheers karl

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a harris will get you started then you can progress to other bird if you like

redtails can be very agessive birds if taken to young

thanks mate, is it true that a redtail has one of the most powerful grips out of all bop ? karl

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