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INTERVIEW #2 :toast:

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well done pal. you rather go there than rigg?


yeah the borders college does more practical work than newton rigg

realy?? does it have its own patrige shoot run by the students?? and a sheep and beef farm ?and roe stalking in greystoke where you get to go stalking up to 2 times a week/ and can you go ferreting on campus? and does it have its own 6 trap clayground?


that sounds like an alright course :thumbs:

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btw taz - if your gonna get job as a 'keeper, then 6 o'clock start will be your lie in! when i started as underkeeper use to be up at 4 on shoot day, feeding dogs, washing dogs, washing landrovers etc. then be working all day, take days bag to game larder, hang it up, then as the guns are having their evening meal, make my way back out to meet them for an evening duck flight. pick up, get dogs back, dry them off, have a quick bit of toast then to bed. and up again next morning for the same. you'll love it, i do!!

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btw taz - if your gonna get job as a 'keeper, then 6 o'clock start will be your lie in! when i started as underkeeper use to be up at 4 on shoot day, feeding dogs, washing dogs, washing landrovers etc. then be working all day, take days bag to game larder, hang it up, then as the guns are having their evening meal, make my way back out to meet them for an evening duck flight. pick up, get dogs back, dry them off, have a quick bit of toast then to bed. and up again next morning for the same. you'll love it, i do!!


thats sounds great what estate do you work on

Edited by 00taz11
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  • 2 weeks later...
well people got back from the college 3 hours ago and i thouroughly enjoyed it and i had my interview and i answered all the questions well so.......








well done buddy hope it goes well for you. ive been accepted at sparsholt. where is this college your going to??





















































the guy put out his hand and offered me a place to the college aka im in :toast::toast::toast::toast::toast::toast::toast::toast::toast::toast::laugh::toast::toast::toast::toast::toast:

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