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Can I ask what a bushing Terrier is?

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its a terrier that is used for flushing game from the bush to the running dogs but some people also call a dog that was no good for earth work a bushing terrier :big_boss:


??? never heard of that one..


there usally called failed digging dogs! :whistling:


and get sold as bushing teriers... :icon_eek:


a good Bushing terrier that hunts any cover is worth its weight in gold..

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ffs if you want a bushing dog buy a spaniel if you want a ground dog buy a well bread terrier. Most bushing terriers are failed below ground or dont make the grade thats why the working terrier is so precious breed from ground dogs only not failed workers

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Guest GoneToGround1

all this is bullshite, i work bushing terriers and have also dug to the 1 bitch, why buy a spaniel? iv seen these terriers in tight places struggle to get at foxes in old log piles in the middle of a bush, seen them struggle to get through fox runs under a fence, seen them on they bellies going through gorse, a spaniel would be no good to me they nose might be bang on but they size is a big no no for places where i hunt, and yes you are right alot of bushing terriers are failed earthdogs but mine came into the kennels for bush work only earth work is a bonus to me!

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i know a good bushing terrier is a good dog but lately the bloodlines of terriers are getting weaker and weaker and dog peddlers sell the pups as excellent earth dogs when in theory they have only seen a bush etc and in my honest opinion a spaniel will work cover better than any terrier

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Guest GoneToGround1
i know a good bushing terrier is a good dog but lately the bloodlines of terriers are getting weaker and weaker and dog peddlers sell the pups as excellent earth dogs when in theory they have only seen a bush etc and in my honest opinion a spaniel will work cover better than any terrier


a spaniel, good for fern banks, good for white grass, what about tight brambles? tight gorse? believe me mate iv done bushing for a couple of years now seen 14 inch terriers struggle to get through this run and that run like i said a spaniels nose maybe better but they size lets them down for me, and your right about diluting shit i wouldnt use a earth terrier for bush work it would be earth only if it was bred for earth only and id never tell anyone pups from mine will be digging dogs!

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