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Call me what ya feckin like, but I'm doing something that I've never done before :yes: and that is reporting the cruel feckers who breed mutts next door to us. Not sure how many dogs they've got altogether, but I've seen Beagles, Labs a feckin Husky there and apparently they've Bloodhounds too.


"What's wrong with that?" I hear, well if you've stock you've got to put time and I mean quality time into them, not just chuck some nosh their way and wash what is on the floors of their runs straight down the drain until it overflows out of a manhole straight into the main feckin road :wallbash: . The dogs in question have absolutely no input in the way of structure/routine at all, I have never heard them talked to, exercised or even told to shut up after barking non stop for 4 to 5 hours, in my mind they have become "stir crazy" so today I'd had enough, spoken to the Council and reported them..feck it!!!


I haven't bothered confronting them as I know what would happen and I have to put my family first, which includes our dogs who have of late been getting uneasy with the pitiful barking and howling that is now everyday in the sad lives of these neglected animals, it makes my blood boil and as they say "the wheel does turn" an hopefully some shite can be put their way big time.

So far I've spoken to the Police, RSPCA, Council and tomorrow Defra.


You say he feeds them and cleans there kennels out, so really there is not much that can be done is there? apart from the noise nuisance which will need monitoring and proving they are to loud, and against that traffic noise this might be hard to do! then he may only get a warning, so really you may have got more response by just being straight up and telling him, if he has had no complaint he might think no one is affected, now he will be pissed of that you "grassed"

the average person thinks most working dogs are not looked after, don't give the feckers a right to "grass" just cause they don't agree with how you do things!!!

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Cheers guys :clapper: , I don't know if it will get to twenty :icon_eek::laugh: feck I wish I was "'ard" :) Ten years ago I'd have probably flipped and like the rest of my family been on the telly with the road blocks and armed response in place :laugh: but I'm all grown up now and have to stay on the right side of the law :) I used to look up to folk like my Brothers in awe but you know what, when the shit hit the fan they wanted my help and all the years of the tough guy image were through the window in a flash.


I can live with the "grass" tag as that is just the opinion of some folk. As for not knowing what dogs are/were there, I have seen three beagles in one cage smaller than the one I have the Spaniel in, two Labs and a Husky all in different cages. They in there 24/7 365 days of the year, never walked, exercised and have no interaction with humans apart from when they are fed and when the fella hoses down the runs after they have been stood in their own excrement for feck knows how long. Now I challenge any member to justify that as not abuse. We have had endless folk calling here to buy a puppy, just assuming that because we have dogs we must be breeders.


This fecker is nothing more a greedy puppy farmer, nowt else. As for approaching him to discuss it, just like when they had the cats, they wouldn't see a problem. Now some on here claim to know or have spoken to folk who know me, just out of curiosity, did they know the fella?, if they did they will also know that he no longer lives next door as this is his families home and it is his Mother who lives there and has been left with his dirty work and she happened to leave a while back due to all the crap that goes on there. She comes back now and again and then she's off again .....I wonder why? :)

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....don't give the feckers a right to "grass" just cause they don't agree with how you do things!!!


What the hell do you know about 'rights' fella? Your talking like you're in some kind of authority, who the hell do you think you are to presume to tell somebody what they have or have not got a right to do?


What about a mans right to a peaceful life for himself & his family? Not everyone wants to take the law into their own hands, and even if they did, the likelihood is that they're going to be the ones that end up in front of a beak. (Past experience) Some of you need to get out into the real world and open your minds to reality.


F**k me, I just cant get my head around some of the shite that's appeared on this thread.

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well done AL, you have a family to think about you need that shit on your door step. those dogs are being mistreated you are a better man for doing something about it than sitting back and hoping it would go away. :good:

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192 pages of UTTER crap!


Al, im totally against your Racist views, but only on this occaision i believe you have made the right decision.


Your not a "GRASS" your a person who cares about animal welfare, be it your own pets or others. I dont see anything wrong with that. ITS A GOOD THING. Al helping the community! ;)


There is one thing id like to add, and that is that no matter how you try and avoid the RSPCA with this incident, im afraid they will have the final say. You say you called the police, and enviromental health? Well those two agencies would of contacted the RSPCA, and they will deal with the matter full stop! :)


Al, this could go either way. A wake up call to the owners of these dogs, or neighbour disputes. I dont know how you live, how many neighbours you have etc.... if you know what i mean........ ;)


Good Luck.

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If the dogs are howling/barking day & night the council dog wardens will be more use than RSPCA. Before 7am & after 7pm is classed as unsociable hours. The old girl that used to live opposite me used to walk her dog then leave it outside -at 5.30am EVERY mornin & it barked none stop. Did all right things- tried to talk to her, put complaint in writing when she ignored request, spoke to her again, told her I d report her, nothing changed. Reported to council & they were really good, only after them advising if complaints carried on dog could be seized did she stop leaving it outside.

The local normally works with RSPCA & if you get their back up you've more chance of something been done.


Well Done for doing something instead of sitting back & doing naff all like so many others do. It easy to judge some one. I see the end result of these sort of dogs every week. Amazing that half the dogs in the pound have collars & some have microchips- yet no one comes back for them- That includes the working dogs- greys/lurchers/ terriers.

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I agree with AL on this, there are times when following the proper channels is the correct and right way to deal with things.

Anyone with a firearms/shotgun ticket would think twice before knocking on a door to complain in that situation. You knock.....an argument starts.....he gets ratty....threatens you..you strike out in SELF defence or not...FAC/SGC gone...your whole way of life changes overnight.


In these circumstances, you have shown restraint Al. When many others would not have..


An animal welfare is not to be taken lightly..look at the other side of the coin...


Al comes on here and says he found dead dogs next door.....he was going to ring the authorities..but didn't want to be labled a grass...How many would criticise then???


It is a no win situation for Al..


And as for why he has posted on here.....I would imagine the same as the rest of us..venting rage rather than smacking the c*** in the mouth.

Couldn't agree with you more!

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I think you did the right thing Al. :thumbs:


I've read through every reply on this thread and it really does show the amount of tunnel vision some so called hunters have about any animal and the respect it deserves.


The members who have replied and said they disagree with what you have done are just expressing their opinion in a orderly manner, but to call someone a grass because they have gone about a problem which is causing you some degree of distress the correct, legal way is just childish.


Some of us do not want or need the hassle caused by going to knock on someone's door. That is a prime situation for things to get heated and will have regretful consequences. If there is a channel that allows you to sort it peacefully then use it.


The genuine members on this thread stand out a mile :thumbs:



SS :thumbs:

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