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The return of the dreaded Mixy

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I live on the devon/cornwall borders and for the past 5 years weve been mixy free, but over the past few days the dogs have retrieved 2 mixy rabbits still alive. The rabbits have to be the worst looking rabbits with mixy ive seen...not only were their eyes affected, but they had exposed wounds all over their body...its a terrible slow way to go!!


Does anyone else in the southwest and other parts of the country have mixy?



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Thats what i thought, my pup is nearly 10 months old, had 3 before, he practiced carrying the mixy rabbit and was happy to retrieve it which i was very pleased with, especially as he wont retieve balls ect. Just goes to show! Every cloud and all that!!



Edited by dangergirl
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Long time now since I had to deal with a mixie bunnie. Thank god we dont have them in the US. Over here I just have to deal with tuleremia, areno virus and bubonic plauge in the rabbits. Dont devastate the bunnie populations the way mixie does but they can kill you!


all the best Dirtwinger

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seen a few here in cambs, but for some reason the dogs wont bringthem back,like they would a good bunnie, sure that would be right about if your pups bred right it,ll do good on a healthy rabbit, but if you aint got no good ones and your pup needs a kill how long you going to wait

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