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Ballistic calculators

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Are any of the ipod applications suitable for air rifle use or do they only include real rifle rounds. Would be handy to have something like that occasioanlly...


I just went into the apps store on my iphone and searched for ballistic calculators about 6 choices came up and the top one cost £5.99. Here's the homepage offering it for $4.99

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Are any of the ipod applications suitable for air rifle use or do they only include real rifle rounds. Would be handy to have something like that occasioanlly...


Hi Mate, not sure about the ipod bit but the ballistics calculators i have seen in the past have included air rifles calls .177 and .22 and even .25 and .20

they are not to be totally relied on mind as all pellets, barrals adn barral conditions are slightly different, but is good for showing where pellets should roughly be going. Have used the Hawke optics one in the past and it appears to be OK.


try http://www.hawkeoptics.com adn register they will send you a link to download it. the software is supposed to be specific to hawke scopes but it does the job anyway



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