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Bow Back Ferret Box

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To be honest Tewkesferreter thats some thing no one else has ever come up with before a waist strap, thats the kind of thing Im after


I was thinking about the waist strap, then i thought what about a rucksack style strap?

And if you have a double box how about making it so it is two smaller single boxes cliped together so if your only off out for a sunday afternoon dabble then you can just unclip and take one fetter (saving carring a bigger box)

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i bought that box but with smaller holes this season and i drilled bigger holes in it and backed them with mesh for ventilation.your boxes look really good i cant really see what you could want more from a ferret box :clapper:



john, if you can come up with summat that makes life easier , i,m up for one , looking for something along the lines of a box with rucksack type straps , box about at the base of me back and summat to put rabbits in above for easy carrying, i can be working miles from me truck and carrying rabbits , gun , spade, nets ,etc for a distance can be a ball ache,small probe fixed to top/front of box ?? could be handy

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nice boxes there ;) i think like compo , sliding comartement deviders would be good.


personly i cant see the point to be honest i dont know why people need to seperate there stinkers.


but if they did , that sytem would be better ;)

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nice boxes there ;) i think like compo , sliding comartement deviders would be good.


personly i cant see the point to be honest i dont know why people need to seperate there stinkers.


but if they did , that sytem would be better ;)




Thing about dividers is that if you are just nipping out for a quick, handy go you can put a ferret in one compartment and nets and stuff in the other side without getting your nets tangled up with ferts and no need to take a seperate net bag. Cheers, D.

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To put in a divider on a bow back box and keep the strenth in the box you would have to keep so much of the permenat centre wall/walls, other wise you would have to cut through the top bow where the hinges are fixed, Im going to have a go today and put some pictures up to night


So are we looking for a single/double/triple combo

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nice boxes there ;) i think like compo , sliding comartement deviders would be good.


personly i cant see the point to be honest i dont know why people need to seperate there stinkers.


but if they did , that sytem would be better ;)




Thing about dividers is that if you are just nipping out for a quick, handy go you can put a ferret in one compartment and nets and stuff in the other side without getting your nets tangled up with ferts and no need to take a seperate net bag. Cheers, D.



thats what i do with my triple box, locator,camera and sandwiches in one compartment, i have put nets in a spare compartment before too


and yes i was thinking like TEMUJIN stuck in grooves for thin bits of wood to slide in


folk love gimmicks and trust me that would appeal to people! :D

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Got a box on the go at the minute with removable dividers machined some groves in the front of the box and divider up rights at the back, making it posible to slide a 3mm panel into them so making it ethier a large single a double with two sections the same size or one section a 1/3 of the box and the other 2/3 or there equally sections

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