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diy cheap gun light

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anyone else done anything like this?.....






i read these and got one from tesco near me to see what it was like. only just under £12, never had a gun light before as im just new to all this. seems good for the money if your just starting out and wanting to give it a go without spending a lot to start with. does seem like a good beam you get from it. now just need to work out how to fit it to my gun and give it a go to see if it will work.

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hi mate glad to see somebody found my post on the falcon site lol

these tesco lights are brillient for the price as you can see from my pic i mounted mine on the side of my scope just simply useing a couple of old light holders from a bike and abit of velcro i like it where it is as i can switch it on and off with my thumb while i still have my finger on the trigger so a sort of remote switch and low center of gravity




you can also buy a mount type thing for bikes called a zefal doodad plus its for holding bike pumps to the frame these would work fine also

ps if you get the aa battery one the stinger filters fit perfect and if you get the c cell one then the logun filters fit perctly so easy to filter up all the best mal

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yeh im trying to work out the best way to do it. my wee brother is a plumber and good at putting things like this together, said he will have a look in bnq n see if he can work something out.


how have you got on when using this light mate? is it strong enough for rabbits or would you just use it on rats in barns etc?

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