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Freddie The Ferret In His New Hutch

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Lol ill get some pics up tomorrow. There is one tray in the hutch on the top level and he is doing his business on the bottom level so ill find another tray and put one down there to


my partners ferrets do the biz only on a certain level try putting their food and water on the top level with his bedding and such and just move the litter tray to the bottom i think that may work

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Keeping smells and germs down in the hutch...


1st.. cover the wood bits with Lino or something NON permeable... it will keep the smell from soaking into the wood.. only use woodchip or whatever on the poo level if they are refusing the tray...


Next .. scoop tray and poo daily and continue thorough cleaning 3 times a week ... even if it looks fine dont do it less than 1 time a week


consider the food you feed... if you feed raw.. fine... their poo stinks a lot less...but if you're feeding dry kibble.. check the ingredients.. those with fishmeal in the list will give ya smellier poo... and make their coats etc smell more as well...


a spray to help...


we use this




you dilute it way down .. and it will last just about ages.. comes in lots of scents blah blah blah.. but mostly its a great sanitizer and deoderant... kills all kinds of germs and bacteria and fungus etc... and the smell will definitely help on the parent front..


another option for helping on the parent front is getting any males castrated.. the smell practically disapears....

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hi pencoed hunter ive just modified our lads ferret cage and thought this may help the hutch is basicaly 4ft long by 1 half ft high by 1half foot deep but heres the best bit a wire exstension built on the end of it similar to what the mink breeders use and a slide out tray attatched below to catch the waste makes cleaning and disinfecting much easier

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I have some laminate flooring here that were not using would that be better than just wood in the hutch like you said it soaking in to the wood



i'd say anything that would keep the smell from soaking into the wood...


you can find lino and all that at carboots pretty cheap too.. or check your local freecycle we find tons of things that i could use for ferrets

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