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How Easy Is Too Easy?

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Guest darlolad
  fendog said:
  runem said:
I agree with what you say,however i also have good daytime dogs that will never make the grade as a good lamping dog....In fact this must be another topic of discusion i never ever lamp my hare coursing dogs i feel they learn habbits that are bad for daytime hare coursing.

please explain, :clapper: i can understand ruining a lamping dog doing daywork, but but a day dog lamping cant see what bad habbits it would attract



my bitch ran just as good in the lamp as it did in the da she was 1st x saluki whippet ask marcus ov darlo he will tell you

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I hate all this crap? Hares are "easier" to catch at night but that doesnt mean they are "easy" they dont cope well under the beam but can still run and turn very well and depending on what type of ground your on it can be realy hard.

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  darlolad said:
my old dog catch's daytime hare's and a used to lamp them when a was bout 13 still do if it for the pot but people say its 2 easy lol ther [bANNED TEXT] i lamped one a whille ago very wind last run ov the night a fort mite as well slip her slipped her she leaped over the fence then the hare sped of down the field she caught up to it then turned it bout 4 time's then she took it over the brow so turnd the lamp of and waited for bout 5 mins could hear the dog yelping with frustraion then my mate said dave lad she has got it a said shut up so put the lamp on scanned the feild nothing ther thn the wind picked up a could hear the faint sound of aq hare in distress a jump the fence got an good old electrik shock ran over the brow lamped the field thensaw ma bitch wif this thing pinned down it was the hare a looked at top nd said nor nah she hasnt just caught that hare in the dark lol

so yes it easy ad say




If you call chasing up to it , turning it 4 times and taking it over brow and catching it in dark easy, how far do you run the dog for a hard catch??

I don't think some people on here know the differance between long dogs and typical lurchers, otherwise they wouldn't be slagging each other off. thers one dog for each day and night, and each to there own i say. nothing wrong with lamping a hare in my book .

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I love all the I knew a man that knew a feller that had a collie or a lab or a terrier that would pick up hares on the lamp what a load of bollocks any thing can be taken off the sit or near as damn it but that doesnt mean there easy just cought unaware by a good dog right time right place and when all the replies come in of my collie can do it back it up with a video clip or some sort of proof not just hear say.Nothing wrog with a lamped hare and they can put some bloody good runs in.

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  Single Handed. . said:
What people have got to realise its simple, coursing is coursing an lampin is lampin am a LAMPER an when i go out i lamp. If thers 10 rabbits in a field my lurcher works them if thers 10 long ears in a field he runs them. If thers a charlie about i call an if its goes to plan he runs that. The reason is am LAMPIN an thats that. . . . :D:D


Coursing an Lamper are completely different an i no what i prefer!!!! An its not because my dogs cant catch in the day its because my dogs are LAMPING dogs. . .


:clapper: :clapper: :clapper:

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ive hunted day and night hares arent my chosen quarry but i take a run at one now and again and they are good fun night or day maybe more so at night for the simple reason that you can turn them away from a hedge far handier at night than you can during the day happy hunting :D

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I think lamping hares are much easier, dogs also catch them alot quicker. Nothing better than coursing a hare daytime, my dogs struggle in the daytime, that's why i never caught many lol. However at night even my boyfriends belgian shepherd has caught one..........

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