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New terrier

Guest Ash

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New dogs hits me like a brick i wasnt ready and thought it would only be for one night the lady who had the dog has given it to my lad. My nephew of the same age has just a got a wheaton x whippet greyhound and it looks like this will be the team .I have worked terriers for 20 years but must admit the last 15 were pure terrier work .eg FORM EARTH TO EARTH. NOWT ELSE WAS EVEN CONSIDERD NO RATS NO RABBITS AND BROKE TO BADGER. but before i went clinical with the terriers i had a few that were just real fun the type that made you pull your hair out :D So what do we do me with my lad and clean spade with his lad do we point them down what we think is the right road or do we let them loose and have fun. :p

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They look a strong pair of terriers I thought you preffered the smaller type,as for the lads let them experiace the pride of owning working dogs as you know there is nothing like it.


strong type lmfao any smaller they would be poms the white dog is 12.5 inch and about the same weight will prob make 13.5 -14 and about 16 -17 lb now the wee bitch because thats what she is is only 13 inch and just 11 pounds wet through i do like my terriers small and manouverable but hey dont go and tell me there strong. ps the wee bitch is 14 months or so and i would say finnished growing,

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And they say the camera never lies :D deceptive some photos,either that or your a midget :D


nope kane your wrong again lad :D im 6 ft and well over normal weight for my hight or you might call me a fat b***%*d :D but im stil the best looking chap on this site all though that wouldnt be hard :angel: the camera dose lie and that wee black bitch is actually a bit small even for me to work and def to fine in the muzzel/

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