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Should DSC1 be manditory  

412 members have voted

  1. 1. Should DSC1 be manditory for professional deer stalkers

    • Yes
    • No
  2. 2. Should DSC1 be mandatory for the stalkers who shoot recreationally for thier own consumption and not for financial gain

    • Yes
    • No
  3. 3. Do you think that having these qualifications will make you a better stalker

    • Yes
    • No

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first and foremost its a money making scheem the fc thought up that brings in big bucks.,.if you'll pardon the pun.. as is the quad test ( you can take out your own insurace without them helping you) and the how to set a snare test ffs where does it end...i think its 30 quid that wee gem ...im all in favour of clean eficiant deer culling and management but im ded against some idiot with pots of money going and sitting a test hardly having shot a peeshooter before and then being let loose on deer ..there must be hundreds of guys out there shoot deer with care and eficiancy with no dsc and little money but lots of in the field expieriance ..to me it should be a choice and not a demand .over the years iv had a good few friends who are stalkers and learned there trade without the aid of paper ..unless they got caught short in the field .. :whistling: i have one friend that at the time had no qulifications what so ever except what hed learned himself shooting for a landowner who seen his personal cull records were near as high as the stalkers he empolyed ..so he offered him a job..hes never looked back but obs had to sit his dsc when the fc thought it up...it never made him better or worse at his job...so no matter if you have the proper papers you can still be an idiot with a gun papers dont make the stalker ....

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No, he has to work under the parameters of the law surely.......IF DSC is not a legal stipulation then it's not a legal stipulation.

I'm not convinced a DSC is of any great relevance!!   I suggest a shooting test (accuracy) and safety knowledge should be explored!!   Many people have a .243 or bigger and quite legitimately take

The problem i have with DSC1 and the whole FAC thing is that there are a lot of us that have many years of experience with firearms and shotguns have been forced to take this qualification . When i d

  On 15/07/2010 at 12:24, nastybilly said:

first and foremost its a money making scheem the fc thought up that brings in big bucks.,.if you'll pardon the pun.. as is the quad test ( you can take out your own insurace without them helping you) and the how to set a snare test ffs where does it end...i think its 30 quid that wee gem ...im all in favour of clean eficiant deer culling and management but im ded against some idiot with pots of money going and sitting a test hardly having shot a peeshooter before and then being let loose on deer ..there must be hundreds of guys out there shoot deer with care and eficiancy with no dsc and little money but lots of in the field expieriance ..to me it should be a choice and not a demand .over the years iv had a good few friends who are stalkers and learned there trade without the aid of paper ..unless they got caught short in the field .. :whistling: i have one friend that at the time had no qulifications what so ever except what hed learned himself shooting for a landowner who seen his personal cull records were near as high as the stalkers he empolyed ..so he offered him a job..hes never looked back but obs had to sit his dsc when the fc thought it up...it never made him better or worse at his job...so no matter if you have the proper papers you can still be an idiot with a gun papers dont make the stalker ....

AMEN to that mate :victory:

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  On 16/07/2010 at 18:36, 243,1shot said:

knowledge is a good thing,but you dont have to be ripped off to obtain it.

your [bANNED TEXT] and im an advocate of knowledge but there lots of info out there id say most of the none dcs holders out there have that knowledge and never be so silly as to think they dont ..iv absolutly nothing against guys going for it that can afford it or that wont to..what i do have a beef with is the ones that all of a sudden think its there god given to preach to the none holders

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  • 7 months later...
  • 2 months later...



I am doing mine again because my old one is not valid anymore I will then do dsc2 and try for an AW award. However the question is "Should it be manditory" and I think no. I had a client out with me a few months ago who is an AW from up north, had never seen a Muntjac and argued the toss that a Roe doe that walked under the high seat was a Muntjac.


Experience in the field is what counts. My real concern is that it may become manditory in order to get an FAC.



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  • 3 weeks later...

I was told yesterday not to bother doing it by an experienced stalker. I agree that nothing beats experience. But I will still do it. Why? Because I want to learn things in an environment that is better than just Reading books. I want someone to tell me where I'm going wrong, before I take a shot that wasn't perfect and possibly injuring a deer. A lot of places won't let you shoot without doing your DSC1/2 (especially syndicates), so once you've done it, you've done it. Having said that, I have shot for 10+ years, mostly section 5 weapons, so I think the shooting test can be binned for someone who can show they have relevant experience. As the guy yesterday pointed out, you can pay to go on 6 stalks but not see anything, so that's a bit unfair. I don't think they should be mandatory at all, but if that's what happens, I will do mine before the prices go through the roof. I also think a beginner needs practical experience with gralloching, disease ID and definately safe shooting.

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  • 4 weeks later...
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  • 2 weeks later...

Highly likely that after April 2014 it will become compulsory in Scotland :


Under the Wildlife and Natural Environment Bill 2011 section 17a specifies that the Governement can bring in a register of people competent to shoot deer. In addition SNH by 1st April 2014 must conduct a review of the competency of the people who shoot deer and this will be used to decide whether the register will be brought into being. See extracts from the Bill below:-


(1) The Scottish Ministers may by regulations—.

(a) make provision for the establishment and operation of a register of persons competent to shoot deer in Scotland;.

(b .) prohibit any person from shooting deer unless the person is—.

(i) registered; or.

(ii) supervisedby a registered person;.

© provide that being a registered person is sufficient to meet the requirements as to fitness and competence under sections 26(2)(d) and 37(1);.

(d) require registered persons or owners or occupiers of land to submit cull returns toSNH.



Review of competence etc. by SNH.

(1) SNH mustcarry out a review of the following matters if the power in section 17A(1) is not exercised by 1st April 2014—.

(a) levels of competence among persons who shoot deer in Scotland;.

(b.) the effect of such levels of competence on deer welfare.

Edited by dave1372
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  On 05/10/2011 at 20:17, dave1372 said:

Highly likely that after April 2014 it will become compulsory in Scotland :


Under the Wildlife and Natural Environment Bill 2011 section 17a specifies that the Governement can bring in a register of people competent to shoot deer. In addition SNH by 1st April 2014 must conduct a review of the competency of the people who shoot deer and this will be used to decide whether the register will be brought into being. See extracts from the Bill below:-


(1) The Scottish Ministers may by regulations—.

(a) make provision for the establishment and operation of a register of persons competent to shoot deer in Scotland;.

(b .) prohibit any person from shooting deer unless the person is—.

(i) registered; or.

(ii) supervisedby a registered person;.

© provide that being a registered person is sufficient to meet the requirements as to fitness and competence under sections 26(2)(d) and 37(1);.

(d) require registered persons or owners or occupiers of land to submit cull returns toSNH.



Review of competence etc. by SNH.

(1) SNH mustcarry out a review of the following matters if the power in section 17A(1) is not exercised by 1st April 2014—.

(a) levels of competence among persons who shoot deer in Scotland;.

(b.) the effect of such levels of competence on deer welfare.


This could end up costing SNH and the government a fair bit of cash when they are drawn through the courts,If people who have been deemed competant in the past and thus issued a firearms certificate for years saying that they can legaly shoot deer and who have spent a fortune on firearms for stalking are told they can no longer possess them claim for compensation in the european courts.Also if this is allowed to procede in scotland and not england it may be constrewed as a racist act against scottish stalkers ......I think SNH and the goernment should tread very carefully....

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  • 2 months later...

Hi all, you may say I'm biased, but to be honest - I'm a bit of a convert. I thought that the DSC was a bit of a con, and there are certain aspects of it which I still dislike - strongly! However - I finally gave in to pressure and sat my DSC1 this year to get the bit of paper which tells people (pricipally the Forestry Commission) that I have the knowledge I say I have. In the process, I did learn things I wasn't previously aware of. So - in priciple - I think there is a need for a standard of some sort and - begrudgingly - the DSC1 fits the bill.


I didn't do the 3 day residential course which is what most people end up doing. I simply swotted the answers and booked in for the one day test at a local test centre (Derby). One day off work and all was done, and at a fraction of the cost. seemples!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi ,I have booked on Dsc1 for Feb, my experiance limited, i have the option of being signed off by an experianced fullbore shooter to gain a fullbore licence or at my suggestion doing the DSC1, which i being impatiant thought would be a good thing,, i have read most of the posts on this subject, and agree with most, its not nice being asked to prove your competent at doing somthing you have be doing for years, and yes its quite a cost, and no i dont think passing this will make me a complete stalker but it might go some way,so that when i book a guided stalk i am safe and able to do the task in hand proficiently so will enjoy the experiance all the more.

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  • 1 month later...

I have been attending stalks with my farther and game keepers for years, I have never really got into the hole deer shooting thing and have stuck to foxing with a 17hmr and the general pest control work that goes with a rimfire. I have now been ask to cull the deer numbers on 6 peaces of land in the Berkshire and Hampshire area. I do not hold a DSC at the moment but have been looking into taking the course. I don't feel it would make me a better stalker in anyway but I just feel that ask a professional stalker you should beable to provide a certificate. However the price it not worth it for me at the moment.

I think that people charging other people to cull deer should hold both certs.

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