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Tom im 99% sure your dog has Eczema,i once had a terrier with the same problem,its not contageous to others and its supposedly hereditary.

You cant permanantly cure the dog but should be able to control it fairly easily,here's a few tips,try and get some "Hydracortizone cream" its used to treat the human form of eczema and contains steroids[ive got human eczema myself] it should be pretty safe to use on the scabs after cleaning of course.For some reason it ussually flares up in springtime in dogs and winter in humans.

Diet can have a lot to do with it as well,avoid a starchy diet definatly dont feed anything containing "maize" especially flaked maize,but some companies use maize flour to bulk their completes so it sometimes not easy to know its in there,avoid anything with fish protein in it also,feed boiled vegetables or boiled nettle leaves regularly.

Its thought that some dogs have this reaction to worms,or more likely the waste products of worms,so a good worming out is a good idea even if you dont think she has them.

I changed the diet of my terrier and used the cream on him and he hardly ever suffered with it again,non of his pups ever showed signs of it as far as im aware so it wouldn't stop me breeding her either,diet is probably the key thing.

hope this helps.


thats very good to know mate because as it happens my partner gets eczma and has some of that cream, could you tell me what you feed you're dog on, my dogs get meat, bones, wagg complete food and tripe.

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Wagg complete is a complete diet and contains enough protein without the extra meat tripe and bones,too much protein could easily trigger skin problems,this is what i would do,just my opinion,

put her on a complete with no more than 18% protien content,and stop the extras,as well as treating the scabs with the cream.

For the record im on "meat greaves" [dried beef] and plain mixer,you can alter the protein level to suit each dog by altering the amount of greaves you feed,also take into account most mixers are about 10% protein to start with.I also feed a bit of veg.

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Alright tom, I have just replied to someone else for small skin patches, yours looks like a fungal infection best treated when first noticed because spreads to other places. Dont know about the one on the head but the others look like ringworm or other fungal type infection, heres what I said to the other lad, for you as its all over the dog I would act quickly. If ya cant get none let me know and I will get hold of some off a mate next week who got me mine for me. A lad I know got some proper stuff from poland it does take a couple of weeks though to get rid and you have to clean it and put it on every few hours, whatever ya do dont let the vet give ya oral meds to treat it- loads of dangerous side effects for the dog and can be definately rid from the cream. Most vets havent got a clue mate just by looking at it unless they take a specimin of the skin to the lab to find out what it is, a good antifungal cream will sort it, anyway heres what I said to the other lad good luck mate.


Looks like ringworm or other fungal type infection, one of my dogs had similar only on back leg, because when the dogs are out near farmland often they can get the ringworm etc easy.

Dont bother with antisceptic creams etc they will add moisture to it and the more moist it is the longer it stays and grows. The only wet you should put on it is to clean it and then apply the right cream. The creams you want to get ya hands on you could get from ya doctors or prob off net, you could also do with an anti microbial wash like ya get in hospitals to wash ya hands, use it to clean around it. If it is ringworm it will spread and looks like two bloches there, you could also catch it, nothing to be too worried of though. I have had ringworm myself from a gym, if you sweat regularly it stays for ages and needs treating but if you are inactive it sometimes goes on its own. With my dog I just cleaned it well and then put my cream on him I had and it cleared up in about two weeks, it will go first and then after another week the hair will start to grow back.


Antifungal infection cream

Anti microbial wash

Make sure you wash ya hands after handling the dog,, seen some on peoples faces and that dont look too good ha ha


I would go to my doctors and tell him I train at a gym and at the minute ringworm is rife and everyones got it and everyone been advised by the gym to get body wash as precaution from the doctor because of everyone having it, ask him can he give ya anything, then also ask for cream to apply at first sight of it, or tell him ya had a red ring mark on ya body .. JUST USE IT FOR YA DOG IN LESSER DOSAGES on the effected area. By the way on humans it looks like a pink circle anything from pea size to 2 pound coin and varying spots around the circle. On a dog loogs like patchy spots very rarely see the worm circle shape.


I would try this before giving ya dog any hormone stuff from vets mate, could mess him up a bit. If it is any type of skin infection the cream ya get will sort it, as mentioned antisceptic is no good for fungal type infections.


Good luck mate hope ya sort it

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My patterdale cross russell had this problem.I put her on Burns dog food and within 2 months her skin calmed down in 4 months it was gone. took her to bristol royal vet college they had no clue what it was put her through loads of test,mthen my holistic therapist told me about Burns hypoallergenic food and it worked a treat that with neem oil a topical cream.Hope this helps!

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