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just wondering if anyone could help, my terrier has been getting these crusty spots over her body mostly the top of her head, legs, tail and a bit on her back. the bigger spots seem to have puss underneath and although it looks scaby it does not bother her one bit no itching at all. it started a while back and i first tried dipping her in tac tick as i was advised and also give a front line. this did not clear it so i took her to the vet who did'nt know what it was, he said it looked like some kind of ring worm and the treatment for it had been taken off the market so just let it clear itself. well, a few months down the line and its not cleared. i don't think it could be ring worm as none of the other dogs have got it. has any body had this problem if so what is it and how do i treat it? thanks tom


you can't really see it very well in the pics










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Doesnt look like ringworm to me & only seems to be affecting where fur thinner, ie head, elbows tail etc. Id put some tea tree cream on it or antiseptic cream. It does seem like an allergy but not bothering her.

try fronline spot on my mates black 1 goes like that never seen a flea on it so think its a mite its worth a try

Edited by wazza
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Has you vet taken skin scrapes to rule out parasitic infection?

It could be a folical infection, sometimes seen in sheading dogs. Ypur vet really should be a little more helpful! Have you been to a small animal vet? Coz livestock vets aren't too hot on canine dermatology! :D


I would get hold of some Malaseb shampoo, 3 times weekly bathing, it is an antifungal and antiseptic. Available online or from your vet.

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thanks for the replies, we've tried the malaseb shampoo before and had no luck with that either, going to try the benzyl benzoate and if this does'nt clear it i will have to send a sample off to get tested and see exactly what it is. thanks tom.

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just wondering if anyone could help, my terrier has been getting these crusty spots over her body mostly the top of her head, legs, tail and a bit on her back. the bigger spots seem to have puss underneath and although it looks scaby it does not bother her one bit no itching at all. it started a while back and i first tried dipping her in tac tick as i was advised and also give a front line. this did not clear it so i took her to the vet who did'nt know what it was, he said it looked like some kind of ring worm and the treatment for it had been taken off the market so just let it clear itself. well, a few months down the line and its not cleared. i don't think it could be ring worm as none of the other dogs have got it. has any body had this problem if so what is it and how do i treat it? thanks tom


you can't really see it very well in the pics


Try a ANTIBIOTIC jab ,My pal's terrier had a problem and he tried everything,Had the jab and all back to normal, Allthe best.......









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My terriers have had that scabby stuff then bald on their heads before now. I always bang a bit of neat TCP on it and it goes away! I reckon its when they come into contact with some plant irritant when they're bushing: can't think of any other reason. Mine don't itch either and its defo not mange.

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Tom im 99% sure your dog has Eczema,i once had a terrier with the same problem,its not contageous to others and its supposedly hereditary.

You cant permanantly cure the dog but should be able to control it fairly easily,here's a few tips,try and get some "Hydracortizone cream" its used to treat the human form of eczema and contains steroids[ive got human eczema myself] it should be pretty safe to use on the scabs after cleaning of course.For some reason it ussually flares up in springtime in dogs and winter in humans.

Diet can have a lot to do with it as well,avoid a starchy diet definatly dont feed anything containing "maize" especially flaked maize,but some companies use maize flour to bulk their completes so it sometimes not easy to know its in there,avoid anything with fish protein in it also,feed boiled vegetables or boiled nettle leaves regularly.

Its thought that some dogs have this reaction to worms,or more likely the waste products of worms,so a good worming out is a good idea even if you dont think she has them.

I changed the diet of my terrier and used the cream on him and he hardly ever suffered with it again,non of his pups ever showed signs of it as far as im aware so it wouldn't stop me breeding her either,diet is probably the key thing.

hope this helps.

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i have had spanials with the same problem usualy a reaction to brambles at a certain time of the year i was told it was a form of dermatitis cut the hair around it and treat it with anti-inflammatoy creams or tablets good luck

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