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dog injury (advice please)

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whats the chances of this area that has opened is likely to heal on its own without fresh stiches? this 12 yr old bitch has been under twice now already :cry: due to split stiches theres no muscle damaged just skin... anyone with anything simular thanks


Edited by reddog70
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it will heal much quicker if stitched, personally i would be more concerned about infection getting in in a cut like that it could turn septic very quickly and the skin would either be lumpy scar tissue or very thin and likely to tear i would get it re stitched or ask them th staple it one of my dogs was given staples with out going under

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thanks for replies this is second time stiched up first time a area of skin died and it opened up the wound this was a huge gash all over her ribs vet had a job to stretch skin over to cover it there is huge tension on the sutures dont like keep putting her under

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in that case she will heal it will take longer and may not be very pretty but if she was a working dog she probably has a few anyway. maybe get some wound powder to help dry it out. you are right to not want to keep putting her under at her age, and you have done the best for her so far so she obviously means a lot to you if your not comfortable with how its healing take her back to the vets.

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  ferret15 said:
in that case she will heal it will take longer and may not be very pretty but if she was a working dog she probably has a few anyway. maybe get some wound powder to help dry it out. you are right to not want to keep putting her under at her age, and you have done the best for her so far so she obviously means a lot to you if your not comfortable with how its healing take her back to the vets.
thanks the last op was on tuesday i am getting a bit fed up with it and want the best for her..i dont think the vet will stitch without putting her under prob the ££££££s first job £400 and second £85 at good will might try the wound powder ..will see if i can get to vets tonight
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For God's sake DO NOT USE WOUND POWDER ON THAT! That is a huge wound and if you put any sort of dry dressing on it such as wound powder all you'll do is dry it up prematurely which will make the dog very uncomfortable and it will most likely nag away at it and make things worse. The area needs to be kept moist and VERY CLEAN INDEED if it is going to heal properly.


Firstly you need to make sure the wound is clean: use boiled (cooled to luke warm) water with a spoonful of salt in it. Clean EVERY day very gently with cotton wool dipped in the salty water.


Then smear, very gently either: Intrasite Gel, or runny honey: (best to use honey straight from the honey comb if you can. Commercially treated honey has been pasturised (heat treated) so will have lost a bit of its healing properties, but still better than nothing at all.


I would be wary of using Aloe Vera Gel at this stage as it can sometimes irritate, but that is another good one for keeping the area moist and promoting healing.


Propolis (made by bees and available from health food shops) can also be dabbed on to the wound: also has anti bacterial properties. Bees line their hives with it to ward off disease.


Personally I would cover with a light dressing: cotton gauze taped over the whole area, just to keep flies away and stop the dog licking it too much at this early stage, but you do want the wound to breathe.


Lastly: whilst you are entitled to treat your own dog, don't forget you have a duty of care and you could be prosecuted if the dog is suffering unnecessarily and someone finds out! I quite appreciate that you don't want to keep knocking her out: anaesthetic is hard on the immune system and the dog has enough to deal with without going under GA again and again.


Smell the area from close up every day and if it starts to smell bad or has a pus like oozing then get to the vet pronto.


Very lastly: feed the dog on several small easily digested meals per day rather than just one big meal. Feed raw meat: chicken wings, minced beef: don't give big hard to digest bones at the moment. Oily fish such as mackeral is also good, and if the dog is being fed on a complete food then at least buy it the very best such as Purina Pro Plan or similar. Feeding the best is half way to getting the wound to heal properly.


Good luck: let us know how it goes.

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just to add a couple of points ,that wound looks a bit sticky already so i would flush under and around with a syringe with the needle removed warm salty water (as said) at low pressure to clean under where its been stiched and any flaps of skin, if its irritating the dog and starts to stratch tape a sock on its foot :thumbs:

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Totally agree - don't put owt on it! Best chance is to restrict her movement - is she in the house? Keeping her warm and comfy, on antibiotics she should heal, but probably slowly given her age. Any overstretching movement should be avoided - as you said if her skin has already been debrided (trimmed) where it dried up and the stitches failed - the next step would be a graft, so try not to let her break a walk and no jumping!


I've seen worse heal, but it is in a very awkward place. The wound needs to ooze and breathe so don't mess with it, and defo keep a close 'eye' on smell of infection.


best of luck to her and wish her a speedy recovery!

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