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Nooski rat trap

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  glass22 said:
They do seem a little pointless.


Great idea for a trap, but why pay that much for a trap that only catches one rat per set, when a 99p one will do the same.


good point, plus you have to keep buying the rings. and not knowing the strength of the bands, are they really humane?

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There was quite a debate about this subject last year . For my part I tried em out on my own ground before using them professionally on customers property . I am so glad i did .

There used to be a film on the internet showing how great these Nooskis were . Rats would bundle through a laboritory test course ,straight into the Nooski and ,whack ! Ratty would fly about in its' death throws .

Point one/. In hindsight I'd warrent that these poor lab rats had been accustomed to feeding from the un-set Nooski for some time before video stardom becomed . On the big day the trap was primed , the rat released and not realising that he was to star in a Snuff movie ,rushed to a Pavlovian death .


Point 2/. The thrashing death throws . The bouncing about . Not what a customer might want to hear in his loft & what if the body flips into a cavity and lays there rotting ?


Point 3/. The reason I have -after about a months trial & a few successfull catches I admit - stopped using the Nooski & do not think that it is a particually usefull or humane device ; Two very foul -catches stick in my mind . The trap had sprung but no body was found . This could have been due to a fox or it could have bounced out of sight . . From then on I started encasing the traps in mesh enclosures to reduce the chances of corpses bouncing away and becoming lost .

Now the nasty bit . The next Nooski victim was found alive & cowering with a band clamped about its' nose ,just behind its teeth . A week or more later a neighbour showed me a rat that had been killed by their cat. Yep ,a band round its' nose . Probably the missing "kill" that I thought had been taken by a fox. Probably been slowly starving to death until the cat put it out of its' misery and waltzed home with it as a trophy .


So, Nooski traps ? As far as I'm concerned they are not humane ,something for the collection maybe , not for use ,a curiosity - the Sinclair C5 of traps .

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Well doine Comanche, some very valid points there. I remeber the debate last year too, and it seems that most of the non believers fears have been realised. At the time they did not seem humane and from your write up and the word of others who have also stopped using them, this seems to be the case.



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I am with Comanche, been there done that, with all the hype at the beginning I did get two to trial, they were £7.50 for two before the official launch, I did catch a couple of rats, one I had to fish out of a cavity wall as it had kicked on, one was what would be called a perfect catch he was still inside the trap, The amount of hassle setting them compared to what else is on the market I am surprised they are not four for a quid by now! Get one for your collection and that's about it, mind you the ring cone is just the job for putting out seedlings in the green house. :D

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  RatSnatcher said:
good right up Comanche, I also felt that the opening for the rat to put its head in was a little small, I remember the lab video :blink:
the bait tube is far to small in diameter, and to pay 16 quid for a piece of plastic is robbery , when a 2 qid modified pro. victor will do a better and more humane job, on rats , stoats, squirrels , and even mice.
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