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TIME OUT....For a funny story!

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Hi! I just became a part of this forum here and I would love to be a part of it. I love contributing to the community.

I can probably add some humour to start with. Here are some funny stories that I read somewhere.


A patient comes to a Dentist with a tooth pain.

Dentist : Two of you teeth are infected and we need to extract them.

Patient: How much will it cost?

Dentist: Seven hundred and fifty dollars for both.

Patient: What? Seven hundred and fifty dollars for 10 minutes of work?

Dentist: Well, if you like, I can pull them out slowly! payday-loans.gif


Here is another one:


Husband and wife have just left their home for camping.

Wife: We should turn the car back! I forgot to turn off the gas stove and it might burn our appartment!

Husband: It's okay, the apartment will not burn, I forgot to turn off the shower.


The last one:


A trial is in progress in the court room.

Lawyer: Your Honour, if a person has 18 criminal records he is not a criminal.

Judge: Then who is he?

Lawyer: He is a Collector.


Thanks for reading. I hope you enjoyed it.

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two women after a nite out stop of for a wee in a cemetry

having no tissue

1 wipes herself with her knickers then throws them away

the other uses a wreath from a grave

the next day there husbands r in the pub

1 says think my wifes havin an affair she came home last nite with no knickers on

the other says thats nothing mine came home with a card wedged in the cheeks of her bum saying

you will be sadly missed from all the boys at the fire station

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