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Long range target rifle

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Why not try for a second hand sako Trg 22.....? very accurate... you may pick one up fairly cheap....




I had a look at at sako TRG in a gun shop a couple of Months ago..It was in .338 Lapua. :icon_eek:

Very nice rifle.............not for the field like....but nice for its intended purpose.. :tongue4:



any ideas what the .338 lapua ammo costs over here, i looked on midway usa and it was around $130 for 20 i think , i wonder how cheap you could get it down reloading? brass seems to be the biggest expense, and the charge is roughly double to that of my .22-250

Edited by lgray88
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Why not try for a second hand sako Trg 22.....? very accurate... you may pick one up fairly cheap....




I had a look at at sako TRG in a gun shop a couple of Months ago..It was in .338 Lapua. :icon_eek:

Very nice rifle.............not for the field like....but nice for its intended purpose.. :tongue4:



any ideas what the .338 lapua ammo costs over here, i looked on midway usa and it was around $130 for 20 i think , i wonder how cheap you could get it down reloading? brass seems to be the biggest expense, and the charge is roughly double to that of my .22-250



well 100 lapua brass in .338 costs around 270 stg. :o

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Just had a look on Midway myself and for 100 Lapua cases in .338 it was £260, OK but your going to be able to shoot 12-1500 shots with those cases.


How many do you shoot in each session?


i take that you mean 12-15 shots and not 12-1500 ? because that would centainly be pushin out the boat :laugh:


if you get a average of 13 shots to a case whihc wil be 1300 total from 100 cases, which comes too 16p each use of the case then the charge of powder is roughly 37p , and cheap hornady interlock bullets come in at 35p per bullet and large magnum primer surely cant be any more than 5 p . so it is possible to make them for £20 for twenty

Edited by lgray88
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Just had a look on Midway myself and for 100 Lapua cases in .338 it was £260, OK but your going to be able to shoot 12-1500 shots with those cases.


How many do you shoot in each session?


i take that you mean 12-15 shots and not 12-1500 ? because that would centainly be pushin out the boat



12-15 shots per case = 100x 15 =1500 shots for £260 of brass is what he means. Although if you are lucky you might get more .

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