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Hair Loss in terrier bitch

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I bred my terrier last year and the pup i kept back, now 10 months old, is starting to lose hair. This is an ongoing problem since she was a couple of months old, took her to the vets who told me it COULD be a type of mange that is common in pups (cannot remember which type!) he took several skin scrapes but couldn't find any mites!!! He gave something for it, a 3 months treatment, 3 tubes of drops which you put on 1 per month (again sorry for my bad memory but i cannot remember the name of the drops :icon_redface: ). he said if it was this type of mange then it would clear it up, now, 4 months on and it hasn't cleared up it seems to have got slightly worse if anything!

The bitch isn't bald in any area it is just the hair on her neck, chest and front and back legs and around the toes that is thinning, there is no red skin or irritating as far as I can see the skin looks quite clean.


I have tried dipping her in duramitex 3 times this month (once a week) but this doesn't seem to have an effect???


As i say she has got slightly worse but you have to be close up to see it, from a distance, she looks normal.


All the other dogs are fine (she is kennelled with another 2 terriers and is in constant contact with my others), so i'm guessing that its something that is not contagious as she had had this for some time and none of the others are showing signs of anything wrong.


Any other suggestions would be appreciated or do you think another trip to the vets is in order?


Many thanks



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Three instances of baldness ive personally known about in puppies have been dermo mange, rabbit fur mite (walking dandruff) and an allergy to biological washing power.

Here's some info on various reasons. Duramitex may be making it worse as alot of these conditions are not supposed to have certain chemicals applied?



Cheyletiella (rabbit fur mite) mange

Infection with the Cheyletiella mite

Itching, scaliness; some hair loss, if severe

Skin scraping and microscopic examination - the mite is often very difficult to find

Pyrethrin, Permethrin (Do NOT use permethrin on cats.)



Color dilution/mutant alopecia Hereditary condition affecting dogs with blue (diluted black) or fawn coat colors; more common in Dobermans, Dachshunds, Great Danes, Yorkshire Terriers, Whippets, and Greyhounds Hair in the blue- and fawn-colored areas starts to thin at around 6 months of age; secondary folliculitis often develops Breed; history; and coat color None; avoid excessive grooming or harsh shampoos; protect skin to prevent secondary bacterial infections







Hope this helps Nell.


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hello nell.

some good advice from molly there.

as a long shot it could also be internal.

a good worm dose might help even if the dog has been done already.

and also which food are you using.

as some dogs can not take the high protien in some of the foods available.

have a mate that had the same problem and it came every summer.

he had the same problem with the dogs mother.

after a few visits to vet. the vet told him to try a food called vet plan.lower in protien and alergeys reactions.

it worked even tough my friend tought it would not.

and has never come back.

hope you sort it out


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  Millet said:
or is that the same as decodex but just with a differant name..


You would have to look up the main active ingrediant in both. I sure you can only get Decodex from a vet so its unlikely this will have the same ingrediants if its being sold without licience?


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  MOLLY said:
  Millet said:

or is that the same as decodex but just with a differant name..


You would have to look up the main active ingrediant in both. I sure you can only get Decodex from a vet so its unlikely this will have the same ingrediants if its being sold without licience?



The ingrediants are Sulphur,Pine Oil,Mineral Oil.. same make up most pet care products but with pine oil included...


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Nell- some skin disorders are a side effect or symptom of something else internal.Like its been said ,try changing her diet to a lower protein or maize free food .Did the baldness coincide with her first heat ? Could be hormonal imbalance.Is she picked on by others as stress can also cause hair loss in many mammals, us included.Change the bedding type but use nothing dusty.If shes not bothered by it then its unlikely to be parasitic.

Ps The vet plan diet has a similar conterpart called canine i/d made by Hills.This is a tinned food with no additives or preservatives with a protein content of just 7.3%.Not enough for a regular diet I know but short term may solve your skin problem.Dont know whether its available off the counter though .

Good luck. :good:

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  • 3 weeks later...
  C/D said:
Sorry to bring this product up again..:rolleyes:

Try this its very good on mange and other skin problems.. :good:

pm if you dont have a Ebay account..









Can I just say, I have bought some of the above product and I must say it is great stuff!! The hair on my bitch hasn't fully grown back yet, it's still a little thin in places, but you can see a marked imporvement!!


Thankyou C/D for putting me onto this, i would definatley recommend it to anyone, it's not all that dear and it's worth a try for anyone who has a similar problem to the one I have


Thanks again!!!! :good:



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