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ferret rescue

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Just wondering has anyone had a ferret from Newport rescue centre? Am thinking of going for a look on the weekend if i got time. I want to know do they want to know the ins and outs of a ducks arse like most rescue places do? will they let ferrets go out to working homes or do they like them to go as pets? only reason i ask is cause i wanted a cat once from a cat rescue and they wanted to come and do a house visit to check me out first lol.

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Just wondering has anyone had a ferret from Newport rescue centre? Am thinking of going for a look on the weekend if i got time. I want to know do they want to know the ins and outs of a ducks arse like most rescue places do? will they let ferrets go out to working homes or do they like them to go as pets? only reason i ask is cause i wanted a cat once from a cat rescue and they wanted to come and do a house visit to check me out first lol.


I 'd be a bit cagey, some rescues let them go to working homes but I'd say "you wanted it primarily as a pet" If possible, take a picture of it's future home and show them what conditions it will live in. Hopefully you know your stuff about ferret welfare and will be able to talk to them convincingly and will impress them with your knowledge. I'd be very suprised if they wanted to do a home visit and the ferts are normally castrated/speyed. Good luck. Cheers, D.

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yes if its the rspca center you are thinking about when they came for a home check i told them that the ferret would be worked and they had no problems with it.well there was one problem they fed it on dry food so it was fat as hell. an even better point is that they castrated and microchipped it for me and the ferret only cost 30 :clapper::clapper:;)

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yes if its the rspca center you are thinking about when they came for a home check i told them that the ferret would be worked and they had no problems with it.well there was one problem they fed it on dry food so it was fat as hell. an even better point is that they castrated and microchipped it for me and the ferret only cost 30 :clapper::clapper:;)


;) Your living pretty close to me where did you get yours from? cheers mate.

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When i got one from the R..S.P.C.A. they said if you know anybody else that wants ferrets for work or whatever send them here . They where bursting at the seams just that morning somebody had dumped 17 kitts in a box at there gate

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