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i am thinking of starting speargunning. i have done snorkelling before but only 4-5 times in the sea. i am looking for a good cheap speargun for bass & flaties from 2-8 IBS. dose anhyone know a good one? it has to be under £45.

cheers Aaron.


spear fishing is illegal you dick!

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no its not you dick! look at the post underneath this you dick!


I was under the impression that it is illegal in the UK. Used to do it years ago in france when i lived out there adn where it is legal (providing your not using full scuba gear adn only mask,snorkel and flippers).


I seem to remember at the time asking if i would be able to continue doing it when back to the UK and getting a very clear no. This was however a long time ago so things may have changed however i doubt it.


You also never see any guns in any of the dive/fishing shops (that i have seen) near the coasts so would assume that it is illeagal.


Hope this helps


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spearfishing is totally legal within the tidal range but be sure not to brandish your speargun on the beach during summer season as having it uncovered might attract attention and fall on wrong side of the law...even though i doubt it would be enforced very easily....still for safety and respect (same as any gun) it should be in a case/bag of some sort when transporting and until you are about to use it.....also these can do alot of damage, so if you are diving/snorkelling in pairs try and keep out of range of eachother but still within seeing distance WHICH IS BLOODY HARD WITH THE UK'S MURKY WATER!!!

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spearfishing is totally legal within the tidal range but be sure not to brandish your speargun on the beach during summer season as having it uncovered might attract attention and fall on wrong side of the law...even though i doubt it would be enforced very easily....still for safety and respect (same as any gun) it should be in a case/bag of some sort when transporting and until you are about to use it.....also these can do alot of damage, so if you are diving/snorkelling in pairs try and keep out of range of eachother but still within seeing distance WHICH IS BLOODY HARD WITH THE UK'S MURKY WATER!!!


st. david in pembrokshire is where i was thinking of going spear fishing and for about 1 month in summer its dead clear. like the bahamas. but if you go there at the wrong time then the plankton bloom is so thick you could cut it with a knife.

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i am thinking of starting speargunning. i have done snorkelling before but only 4-5 times in the sea. i am looking for a good cheap speargun for bass & flaties from 2-8 IBS. dose anhyone know a good one? it has to be under £45.

cheers Aaron.


spear fishing is illegal you dick!


gluebeam. I think coming back at a 13 year old lad with good intentions with the INCORRECT comment "spear fishing is illegal you dick!" is a bloody disgrace on a forum such as this. If this is the only type of comment you can make, then stay away. It is not wanted here. :thumbdown::thumbdown::thumbdown::thumbdown:

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