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Canada goose call

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Yes. You can contact Rick (the owner of winglock) at this e-mail address dukkalr@yahoo.com


Info about Rick fro his website:


Rick Perry was born and raised on the Illinois River in Central Illinois. Like many youths of the area, free time was spent hunting, fishing and playing sports year round. When he was eight years old, Rick’s brother took him duck hunting for the first time . From that point forward, he was definitely hooked. When Christmas and birthdays rolled around, he would asked for decoys and duck calls, and by the time he was old enough to drive, he already had 7 or 8 dozen decoys and a drawer full of duck calls. Most were the “usual suspectsâ€, Olts and Yentzens. The freedom to drive, allowed Rick the opportunity to hunt whenever and wherever he could. Whether it was on the river, out in the corn fields, or walking a creek some where, Rick took advantage of every available hunting opportunity. When not in the field he would visit the little sport shop in Peoria to buy Yentzen duck calls by the box, a dozen at a time. He would take them home and experiment...a little sanding here, drill out this whole there, and what do you know, another “ruined†duck call. Most importantly, Rick was learning from this experimentation. Rick got started making his own calls in 1988. First he would make barrels and inserts to put double reed guts in. Then began making goose flutes the following year, soon moving on to custom singles, doubles and short reeds. By this time, Rick had been around the contest calling circuit for about three years. Rick blew in contests for a total of twelve years. He won the Illinois State title, and qualified for the World Championships in Stuttgart, AR, twice making the finals. Rick was also fortunate enough to participate as a judge in Stuttgart as well. During this time, he would travel to all the contests and talk with the people that were in attendance, as well as the other contestants. He began to get a good idea of what calls folks actually used to hunt. Mostly, it was double reed duck calls and single reeds that were not the loud, high pitched screamers that you see so much of today, but a softer more tonal sound like those he grew up with. He knew he was on the right track. Since then, Rick has developed calls that offer a range of volume, yet still maintain that tonal quality that is true to his duck hunting roots.


Rick Perry has always sought to make calls with the hunter in mind….calls that he would hang on his own lanyard. As a full-time professional call maker, he has dedicated himself to his profession. Winglock calls are made to withstand the rigors of daily use in the duck blind or goose pit and still offer hunters quality and consistency at an affordable price. These calls will be there for you day in and day out. You can count on it. If Rick wouldn’t personally hunt with a call …..it won’t leave the shop.

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